HSAXO0306U HELGA 2. Scandinavian Cloth Culture 700-1100 AD
Forskningsområde knyttet til 2. semesterkurser på Saxo-Instituttet.
HELGA 2. Scandinavian Cloth Culture 700-1100 AD
Based on new results from the Fashioning the Vikings
project as well as the research network Cloth cultures in
and beyond Viking Age the course focus on new and
archaeologically well-founded interpretations and reconstructions
of clothing as well as furnishing textiles, textiles for
warfare and trade. As textiles and textile production had an
important impact on the social, economic and cultural changes that
took place during this period, the course also aims to give insight
and perspectives in how to integrate textiles and textile
production in a wider archaeological context.
After an introduction to the Viking age cloth culture, including woven textiles, twining, looping, netting and animal skins, you will experiment with basic textile technologies such as fibre identification and textile analyses. Furthermore, with reconstructed tools you will work with different techniques such as fibre preparation, spinning weaving and dyeing. The course also includes landscape analysis of textile resources, combined with textile tools and contexts investigations, to understand the variation, organisation and impact of textile production in Viking Age Society.
During the course, you will have lectures by visiting experts; participate in practical exercises as well as experimentation, and visit the National Museum, Brede, Land of Legends Lejre and other relevant sites.
"Forskningsområde" indgår som en integreret del af:
- Metode 1: feltarkæologisk arbejde (for Arkæologistuderende)
- Hverdagslivets kulturhistorie (for Etnologistuderende)
- Græsk-romersk arkæologi og kunsthistorie (for Græsk- og
- "Område 2" (for Historiestuderende - se
BA, lektionskatalog forår 2023).
- Category
- Hours
- Class Instruction
- 42
- Preparation
- 88
- Exam Preparation
- 62
- Total
- 192
Ordinær tilmeldingsperiode:
Vælg tre "Forskningsområder" i prioriteret
rækkefølge. Ved færre prioriteringer opfattes øvrige kurser som 2.
eller 3.prioritet. Tjek alle tilmeldinger inden du logger af
Blanketnavn for Arkæologi-, Etnologi og Græsk- og
Latinstuderende: HELGA, 2.semester:
Forskningsområde, forår 2023
OBS: forudsætter tilmelding til "Metode 1: feltarkæologisk
arbejde", "Hverdagslivets kulturhistorie" eller
"Græsk-romersk arkæologi og kunsthistorie"
Blanketnavn for Historiestuderende: Historie, BA,
2.semester: Forskningsområde, forår 2023
OBS: forudsætter tilmelding til "Område
- Credit
- 0 ECTS
- Type of assessment
- Other
- Exam registration requirements
"Forskningsområde" indgår som en integreret del af:
- Metode 1: feltarkæologisk arbejde (for Arkæologistuderende)
- Hverdagslivets kulturhistorie (for Etnologistuderende)
- Græsk-romersk arkæologi og kunsthistorie (for Græsk- og latinstuderende)
- "Område 2" (for Historiestuderende - se Historie, BA, lektionskatalog forår 2023).
Criteria for exam assesment
"Forskningsområde" indgår som en integreret del af:
- Metode 1: feltarkæologisk arbejde (for Arkæologistuderende)
- Hverdagslivets kulturhistorie (for Etnologistuderende)
- Græsk-romersk arkæologi og kunsthistorie (for Græsk- og
- "Område 2" (for Historiestuderende - se
BA, lektionskatalog forår
Course information
- Language
- English - Partially in Danish
- Course code
- HSAXO0306U
- Credit
- 0 ECTS
- Level
- Bachelor
- Duration
- 1 semester
- Placement
- Spring
- Schedule
- See schedule link
Study board
- Study Board of Archaeology, Ethnology, Greek & Latin, History
Contracting department
- SAXO-Institute - Archaeology, Ethnology, Greek & Latin, History
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Humanities
Course Coordinators
- Eva Birgitta Andersson Strand (evaandersson@hum.ku.dk)