HHIB03672U HIS 67. Colonial society and slavery on the Leeward islands, 1650 - 1850
HIS 67. Colonial society and slavery on the Leeward islands, 1650 - 1850
Kulturel afstand og historisk forståelse med akademisk skriftlighed
(område 4) (HHIB00671E)
[Bacheloruddannelsen, 2019-ordningen]
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HIS 67. Colonial society and slavery on the Leeward
islands, 1650 - 1850
Slavery is an integral part of the history of the colonial
societies of the Caribbean. The institution of chattel slavery
arrived with the European discovery of the New World and lasted
until the end of the 19th century when it was abolished
in all the Caribbean. In this course, we will focus on a small part
of the Caribbean known as the Leeward Islands in the period
1650-1850, where the sugar industry gradually developed to become
an ubiquitous part of the colonial reality. Situated in the
northernmost part of the island chain of the Lesser Antilles, the
Leeward Islands consisted of both Danish, English, French, Dutch
and Swedish colonies in close proximity to each other. These
islands constituted a crucible of languages, cultures,
nationalities and economies and can be seen as a lens through which
we can get closer to understand the complex political, economic,
social and cultural relations that characterized the whole of the
Caribbean and Atlantic world and shaped its history. This course
will focus on the shared histories of the islands by focusing on
the commonalities and differences between the different colonies,
and will provide you with a broader understanding of the system of
slavery in the Caribbean.
- B. W. Higman: A Concise History of the Caribbean. Cambridge University Press, 2011 (the book is available digitally and in print at the Royal Library).
- Kategori
- Timer
- Holdundervisning
- 84
- Forberedelse (anslået)
- 175
- Eksamensforberedelse
- 129,5
- I alt
- 388,5
Se relevant lektionskatalog for blanketnavn.
Henvendelse med spørgsmål vedr. tilmelding til Historiekurser på
hverdage kl. 10-12 på tlf.: 51 29 98 32.
- Point
- 15 ECTS
- Prøveform
- Andet
- Krav til indstilling til eksamen
Kriterier for bedømmelse
- Sprog
- Engelsk
- Kursuskode
- HHIB03672U
- Point
- 15 ECTS
- Niveau
- Bachelor
- Varighed
- 1 semester
- Placering
- Forår
- Skemagruppe
- Se skemalink
- Studienævnet for Saxo-Instituttet
Udbydende institut
- Saxo-Instituttet - Arkæologi, Etnologi, Historie og Græsk og Latin
Udbydende fakultet
- Det Humanistiske Fakultet
- Gabriëlle Elisa La Croix (gacr@hum.ku.dk)
- Rasmus Christensen (rasmuschr@hum.ku.dk)