HHIK05033U HIS 3. The illuminated charter: visual splendor, performance, and authenticity of legal documents

Volume 2024/2025

MA-Area 3: Academic Writing with Focus on Source Analysis (HHIK03911E)
[Kandidatuddannelsen i historie, 2022-ordningen]

MA-Area 3: Academic Writing with Focus on Source Analysis (HHIK03911E)
[Kandidatdelen af sidefaget i historie, 2022-ordningen]

MA-Area 9: Historical Area with Focus on Source Analysis (HHIK03991E) [kun for studerende, hvis centralfag hører under et andet hovedområde end humaniora. ÅU-studerende skal være tilmeldt til eller have bestået 45 ECTS af kandidatsidefaget af historie før tilmelding] 
[Kandidatdelen af sidefaget i historie, 2022-ordningen]

MA-Area 9: Historical Area with Focus on Source Analysis (HHIK13991E) [ikke muligt for ÅU-studerende]
[Kandidattilvalg i historie, 2022-ordningen]

Historical Theme 1 (HHIB10211E) [kun for studerende med grundfag i Historie]
[Bachelortilvalg i historie, 2022-ordningen]


Få overblik på:
- Historie, KA-2022, ét-faglig, lektionskatalog forår 2025
- Historie, KA-2022, to-faglig, lektionskatalog forår 2025
- Historie, KA-sidefag-2022, lektionskatalog forår 2025
- Historie, BA, lektionskatalog forår 2025

HIS 3. The illuminated charter: visual splendor, performance, and authenticity of legal documents
This course introduces students who have previously only studied the palaeography and content of documents to the rich visuality of documents and the ritualised ceremonies of delivery. Charters not only have a content, they also have a form. Much of this is standardised, but some documents are characterised by rich decoration. It is therefore necessary to ask why certain documents have certain forms and whether this had legal implications for the content.

This course is related to the preparation of an international seminar on this topic here in Copenhagen. Students are cordially invited to use this seminar to deepen their own studies.

At the same time, students are familiarised once again with the techniques of historical work and the preparation of historical term papers.

- Sabine Fees: Das päpstliche Corporate Design, Quellen zur äußeren Ausstattung von Papsturkunden im hohen und späten Mittelalter. Köln, 2023.

Kun studerende med grundfag i Historie kan anvende dette kursus som Bachelortilvalg.

This Master’s course is open for international Bachelor’s students, but requires at least the equivalent to 45 ECTS passed within history. Questions regarding course registration should be directed to visitingstudents@hum.ku.dk
Seminar / lectures / exercises / excursions
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Class Instruction
  • 56
  • Preparation
  • 203
  • Exam Preparation
  • 129,5
  • Total
  • 388,5
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Type of assessment
Exam registration requirements

Aktuelle studieordninger for Historie og  Studiehåndbogen [KA] eller  Studiehåndbogen [BA].

Criteria for exam assesment