SVEK13112U One Health

Volume 2025/2026

MSc in Veterinary Medicine ( - Tracking course (elective)


This course is last course of  the One Health tracking at the Danish veterinary education

'One Health' is a methodological approach which implies interdisciplinary collaboration, joint efforts and communication in all aspects of veterinary and public health aiming to protect humans, animals and the environment. Examples of recent challenges requiring a One Health approach include the Avian Influenza epidemics and spread of antimicrobial resistance which have both highlighted the importance of close collaboration between the medical-, veterinary-, food and agriculture sectors in the prevention and control efforts. Furthermore, experience has shown that collaboration between the research community, authorities, industry and other stakeholders are essential in prioritizing decision making and ensuring timely and effective prevention and control.

The overall objective of this course is that the participants aquire an in-depth knowledge about the One Health approach when solving national, regional as well as global challenges, with special focus on health problems associated with the spread of pathogens between animals and humans ('zoonoses'). This includes laboratory characterization of pathogens, e.g. molecular typing, epidemiological methods used in surveillance, outbreak investigations and mapping of zoonotic pathogens and antibiotic resistance. Through case work the participants will learn how to develop systematic, stepwise approaches into cost-efficient and sustainable disease control programmes based on evidence from literature and new/own investigations of zoonotic diseases. Approaches to handling both foodborne (e.g. salmonella, campylobacter, VTEC 0157), waterborne (e.g. cryptosporidia) and air-, vehicle or vector-borne pathogens (e.g. West Nile Fever, Q-fever) will be addressed during the course.

Didactic principle: Learning will mainly occur through active participation in problem-based group work and practical exercises, and course participants will to a large extend be expected to seek literature and other types of relevant information to solve cases using One Health approaches in practice. The cases and challenges will be chosen according to current challenges faced not just in Denmark, but also by international organisations such as WHO, FAO and ECDC both in Europe and in developing countries. The selected cases will be used to exemplify control and prevention of zoonoses with different levels of knowledge about pathogenesis, occurrence and transmission, and different availability of diagnostic methods and treatment or intervention options. Course participants will not only learn scientific methods, but also be encouraged to practice and develop skills required for taking leadership in groups aiming to solve problems in the often complex One Health settings.

Course structure: The course is organised as follows:

Course week 1 (block week 5 of block 3): Introduction to One Health and zoonoses
Introduction to One Health and exemplification of One Health approaches to zoonoses control, incl. historical perspectives and the added value of One Health.
Introduction to translational medicine and the distinction between One Health and One Medicine.
Introduction to Danish and international stakeholders and their roles in One Health disease approaches, e.g. examples of how Danish veterinarians are involved.
International organisations relevant to veterinary and public health.
Code of conduct, legislation, practices.
Burden assessment methods and burden estimates of major zoonoses.
Risk analysis elements: Risk assessment, risk communication and risk management.

Course week 2-4 (block week 6-8 of block 3): Laboratory typing methods and tracing of zoonotic pathogens
Laboratory methods for typing of pathogens such as MRSA, salmonella, campylobacter.
Detection of transmission routes and tracing methods
Outbreak investigations

Disease burden estimation
Mechanisms and methods for detection of drug resistance
Introduction to group case.

Course week 5-7 (block week 9 in block 3 and 1-2 in block 4): Step-wise strategy for disease control
Elements of importance for successfull disease control programmes
Criteria for eradication of infectious diseases
Leadership, organisation and communication in One Health challenges
Exemplification of the methods learned so far in the course on a specific case run as a multi-day scenario (e.g. Danish experience with control of Salmonella and antibiotic resistance; a Q-fever outbreak)
Strategies for control of neglected zoonotic diseases
Development of algorithms for disease control
Case study on control and elimination of parasitic zoonoses in developing countries (e.g. Taenia solium cysticercosis)
Submission of group report.

Course week 8-12 (block week 3-7 of block 4): Individual case report work and elective activity
Individual report for two weeks on self-selected case (~3 ECTS)
The individual case report must demonstrate a good understanding and ability to apply the elements learned in the course.
The individual case report must be submitted before the end of block week 8 in block 4.

Three weeks are available for 'elective activity' (~ 4 ECTS)

Time spent on individual case report and elective activity(ies) is up to the course participants to organise and agree with their respective groups mates.

The 'elective activity' is a very flexible course element that allows participants to follow relevant course activities offered elsewhere; visits to other countries for relevant work/projects/practical experience (e.g. practical work with One Health projects in developing countries); or internships (external practise training, EPT) at Danish or foreign institutions/industries, international organisations, universities abroad, etc. The activities performed during this period must be recorded (e.g. logbook or small report). Through this elective activity the students will obtain experience in how private and public institutions work with different One Health challenges. The elective activity must be pre-approved by the course responsible or a relevant supervisor appointed by the course responsible.

Oral exam in course week 9 (block week 4 of block 4) based on submitted group report, presentations and opponent performance for other reports and group presentations. The course participants will be assessed on both their own work (written report and oral presentation) and their ability to critically evaluate and provide constructive critiscism to other course participant's written work and oral presentations (see also exam details).

Learning Outcome

After the course, the objective is that the students will


  • Understand the One Health concept and interdisciplinary aspects
  • Understand the distinction between One Health and One Medicine
  • Know and be able to describe characteristics and challenges of different One Health cases and topics with a focus on zoonoses
  • Know about methods to analyse the impact on human and animal health issues related to microbial contamination of food and the environment
  • Understand the principles for prioritising and choosing between intervention strategies for diseases control
  • Know the principles for identifying optimal methods for prevention and control of infectious diseases, food safety threats and antimicrobial resistance
  • Understand the advantages and challenges of applying One Health approaches in industry and public administrations
  • Understand the potentials and benefits of veterinarians taking leadership in One Health challenges


  • Be able to apply various scientific methods to specific One Health problems
  • Be able to critically discuss and respond to One Health challenges
  • Be able to identify the roles, responsibilities and needs of key stakeholders in prevention and control of infectious diseases
  • Be able to search for and find materials needed to apply One Health methodology in appropriate ways including scientific literature, national and international legislation, online materials of key organisations etc.
  • Be able to take part in the work in an interdisciplinary group aiming to solve a complex health challenge in a constructive manner drawing on own core competences (i.e. veterinary sciences for veterinary student)


  • Be able to identify infectious disease challenges that need One Health approaches to be solved or mitigated, and be able to contribute critically to the implementation of the One Health approach when needed
  • Be able to identify health problems that would not benefit from use of the One Health approaches
  • Be a valuable collaborator to stakeholders in One Health challenges by being aware of the core compentences that each participant in a working group brings into the One Health collaborative groups
  • Be able to critically evaluate other people/organisations' suggestions to solutions to One Health challenges
  • Be able to apply leadership competences required for One Health solutions to be applicable and successful
  • Be able to communicate orally and in writing about One Health cases and approaches in a clear manner

Teaching material will to some extend be provided and to some extend be collected by the course participants themselves by use of different information search techniques (part of the learning objectives)

For Danish veterinary students:
Approved course certificate on following courses:
SVEK13004U Veterinary Imaging
SVEK13002U Akutmedicin, obstetrik, intensiv terapi og klinisk anæstesiologi
SVEK13023U Almen klinisk praksis familiedyr
SVEK13008U Almen klinisk praksis, store husdyr
SVEK13006U Praktisk besætningsrådgivning og kødkontrol
SVEK13044U Veterinary Paraclinics
Passed the following courses:
Medicin, kirurgi og reproduktion - mindre og store husdyr SVEK13005 og SVEK13004.

Other participants:
Post-graduate (MSc) education within the science area or extensive working experience within food safety or One Health. Good communication skills in oral and written English are essential.
All obligatory courses/activities in the veterinary candidate curriculum except 'Animal Welfare Evaluations and Jurisprudence', and the veterinary thesis.
The course will be a mix of lectures/seminars, cases, exercises and problem-based learning involving cases / scenarios in which the course participants will work in groups under supervision from teachers and external contributers from e.g. public health administrations, other research institutions, industry bodies etc. Elective activity (intern ship)(EPT): 15 days.

Evaluation model: Survey-based model
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 26
  • Preparation
  • 54,5
  • Theory exercises
  • 60
  • Exercises
  • 90
  • Practical Training
  • 110
  • Project work
  • 160
  • Seminar
  • 60
  • Guidance
  • 18
  • Exam Preparation
  • 10
  • Exam
  • 3
  • Total
  • 591,5
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
21,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Written assignment
Oral defence
Type of assessment details
1) Written assignment: Individual case-report that must be submitted before end of block week 8 of block 4. Will count 50% of final grade.
2) Oral defence: Individual presentations of group report that must be submitted before end of block week 2 in block 4, and opponing of other group's presentations and reports. Will count 50% each of the final grade.
3) Elective activity (EPT): Submission and approval of logbook type of report
Exam registration requirements

Passed course SVEK13113U/SVEK13114U Besætningsrådgivning og veterinær folkesundhed/ Herd Health Consultancy and Veterinary Public Health.

All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
No sensorship. One internal examiner.
Exam period

Oral exam in block week 3 in block 4. Written assigement submission end of block 8 in block 4.


As the ordinary exam.

Criteria for exam assesment

To achieve the maximum grade of 12, the student shall be able to:


  • Understand the One Health concept and interdisciplinary aspects
  • Understand the distinction between One Health and One Medicine
  • Know and be able to describe characteristics and challenges of different One Health cases and topics
  • Know about methods to analyse the impact on human and animal health issues related to microbial and parasitic contamination of food and the environment
  • Understand the principles for prioritising and choosing between intervention strategies for different health issues
  • Know the principles for identifying optimal methods for prevention and control of infectious diseases, food safety threats and antimicrobial resistance
  • Understand the advantages and challenges of applying One Health approaches in industry and public administrations
  • Understand the potentials and benefits of veterinarians taking leadership in One Health challenges


  • Be able to apply various scientific methods to specific One Health topics
  • Be able to critically discuss and respond to One Health challenges
  • Be able to identify the roles, responsibilities and needs of key stakeholders in One Health cases
  • Be able to search for and find materials needed to apply One Health methodology in appropriate ways including scientific literature, national and international legislation, online materials of key organisations etc.
  • Be able to take part in the work in an interdisciplinary group aiming to solve a complex health challenge in a constructive manner drawing on own core competences (i.e. veterinary sciences for veterinary student)


  • Be able to identify challenges that need One Health approaches to be solved or mitigated, and be able to contribute critically to the implementation of the One Health approach when needed
  • Be able to identify challenges that would not benefit from use of the One Health approaches
  • Be a valuable collaborator to stakeholders in One Health challenges by being aware of the core compentences that each participant in a working group brings into the One Health collaborative groups
  • Be able to critically evaluate other people/organisations' suggestions to solutions to One Health challenges
  • Be able to apply leadership competences required for One Health solutions to be applicable and successful
  • Be able to communicate orally and in writing about One Health cases and approaches in a clear manner