SGLK13024U Disaster Recovery Planning and Development
MSc Global Health - elective course in study track 4
There are a limited number of slots – ten in all – available in this study track, and on the courses for this study track. If there are more than ten students who wish to take the study track in Disaster Risk Management, a Study Plan Committee appointed by the study board considers the students' study plan applications and allocates the available slots. The criterias for allocation are listed in the curriculum.
See course dates on MDMa website:
Actions taken during the period following the emergency phase is often defined as the recovery phase, which encompasses both rehabilitation and reconstruction. The precise time when one phase ends and another starts will vary in each situation. Recovery refers to the actions taken in the aftermath of a disaster to enable basic services to resume functioning, assist victims’ self-help efforts to repair physical damage and community facilities, revive economic activities and provide support for rehabilitation including the psychological and social well being of the survivors. It focuses on enabling the affected population to resume more-or-less normal (pre-disaster) patterns of life with the added dimension of reducing risks and vulnerabilities that led to the disaster in the first place and avoid creating new ones. It may be considered as a transitional phase between immediate relief and return to more major, long-term development.
Many of the decisions and issues concerning recovery closely relate to emergency response, preparedness, mitigation and long-term development planning. Therefore, the course is designed to help students understand the linkages between the various stages of the disaster spectrum.
This course primarily refers to recovery after fast-onset disasters, such as earthquakes, landslides, high winds and flooding as well as major health issues and outbreak of epidemics. Recovery after drought introduces many factors, which are outside the scope of the course, since timing and actions needed in this context are significantly different. The course also touches on recovery after war or civil strife.
The main content areas are:
- Introduction to recovery principles and risk reduction in the recovery phase.
- Pre-disaster recovery planning and post disaster recovery needs assessment.
- Early recovery as an important linking stage between relief and response phase and recovery and development.
- Reconstruction and physical rehabilitation
- Psycho-social and mental health interventions
- Exit and hand over strategies in recovery planning
On completion of the course, students should be able to:
- Place recovery within the wider development processes.
- Understand the purpose of recovery.
- Understand definitions and terms related to recovery and early recovery.
- Understand linkages between development and risk reduction in recovery processes.
- Describe and operationalise Recovery Guiding Principles.
- Outline key factors, benefits, barriers, strategies and activities for integrating disaster risk reduction in recovery.
- Understand tools, mechanisms and key relationships in pre-disaster recovery planning.
- Research into the issues of pre-disaster recovery planning and recovery implementation.
- Apply concepts, standards, principles, and methods of recovery planning and operations to case studies.
- Acquire the conceptual basis to appreciate the complexity of the recovery environment.
- Develop a better ability to engage with and relate to disaster professionals – across sectors and disciplines and work collaboratively in a field situation through understanding some of the operational procedures in recovery related to international actors and national governments.
- Develop a Recovery Framework and Plan for a specific case study.
- Critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of the existing Early Recovery and Recovery mechanisms.
- Apply tools used for teambuilding and stress management and demonstrate knowledge about intercultural and interdisciplinary communication.
- Identify and formulate a relevant and current research question and develop a vulnerability profile for a case study assignment.
- Work independently in self-directed study.
- Work in a group – teamwork and presentation.
- Engage in dialogue and discussions, and argue a case.
- Negotiation, including compromise, argument and trade offs.
- Read and critique literature
Literature list is available in Absalon.
• Lectures - Imparting knowledge, concepts, theories and models
• Exercises – Inquiry or skills based with emphasis on analytical skills and problem solving
• Case Study Analysis – Review of previous practice and guided analysis of specific aspects of a case
• Videos – Guided with a set of questions or an exercise that follows
• Seminars – Self-directed by students and guided and mentored by tutors
• Presentations – of group assignments and feedback by a panel of tutors
- Category
- Hours
- Lectures
- 36
- Preparation
- 116
- Theory exercises
- 40
- Exam
- 16
- Total
- 208
Examiners provide a brief an overall joint written feedback to the class via Digital Exam
Registration administratively after pre-approval of credit transfer application.
This course is not open for external students.
- Credit
- 7,5 ECTS
- Type of assessment
- Written assignment, Throughout the course
- Type of assessment details
- An individual paper in the form of a journal article, no more than 5 pages organised and structured around a certain topic or question and relevant to disaster recovery planning and development. The topic can be closely related to the case assignment students are working on or any other relevant topic on disaster recovery planning and development. The paper topic or question needs to be checked and validated by the course leader/academic adviser.
- Aid
- All aids allowed
The use chatbots and/or similar tools is not allowed in and for exams.
- Marking scale
- 7-point grading scale
- Censorship form
- No external censorship
- Exam period
See the MDMa Exam Schedule
- Re-exam
See the MDMa Exam Schedule
Criteria for exam assesment
To achieve the maximum grade of 12, the student shall be able to:
- Outline key factors, benefits, barriers, strategies and activities for integrating disaster risk reduction in recovery.
- Describe and operationalise Recovery Guiding Principles.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the linkages between development and risk reduction in recovery processes.
- Apply concepts, standards, principles, and methods of recovery planning and operations to case studies.
- Develop a Recovery Framework and Plan for a specific case study.
- Critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of the existing Early Recovery and Recovery mechanisms.
- Apply tools used for teambuilding and stress management and demonstrate knowledge about intercultural and interdisciplinary communication.
- Identify and formulate a relevant and current research question and develop a recovery framework and plan for a case study assignment.
- Read and critique literature
Course information
- Language
- English
- Course code
- SGLK13024U
- Credit
- 7,5 ECTS
- Level
- Full Degree Master
- Duration
- 4 weeks
- Placement
- Autumn
- Schedule
- 18 November 2024 - 6 December 2024
- Course capacity
- 10 participants
Study board
- The Study Board for Public Health Science and Global Health
Contracting department
- Department of Public Health
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Course Coordinators
- Emmanuel Raju (5-6b7867707b46797b746a34717b346a71)