NSCPHD1111 Advances in Plant Biology

Volume 2013/2014
The objectives of the course is to give the PhD-students good knowledge and understanding of new developments in plant physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology. Plant processes are taught in molecular detail with emphasis on the molecular mechanisms for plant response to environmental and developmental stimuli. Selected topics are treated in depth.

The course is taught over 6 weeks (Feb - April) with 4 lectures per week. The students prepare an individual essay (in English) at the end of the course. The topic of the essay is chosen by each student in collaboration with the teacher. The lectures are given by specialists from Copenhagen University with additional external speakers.

Examples of present topics:
Transport across cell membranes
Photosynthesis and its regulation
Light signalling and plant development
Climate change and plant health
Cell walls: evolution, biosynthesis and applications
Biosynthesis and function of secondary plant products
Genomic gene clusters in chemical defence
Evolutionary Agroecology
Starch synthesis
Molecular biology of plant pathogen interactions
Nutrient (phosphate) signalling
Ethics of plant biotechnology
Learning Outcome
The opjectives of the course is to give the PhD-students good knowledge and understanding of new developments in plant physiology, biochemistry, and molecular biology. Plant processes are taught in molecular detail with emphasis on the molecular mechanisms for plant response to environmental and developmental stimuli. Selected topics are treated in depth.
Selected research articles or reviews accompany each lecture and the students will receive these in advance.
There are about 24 lectures divided over 12 mornings during 6 weeks. Literature supporting each lecture is provided in advance. The students write an essay at the end of the course about a topic in plant science.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 25
  • Preparation
  • 175
  • Project work
  • 100
  • Total
  • 300
Type of assessment
Written assignment
Exam registration requirements
Attendance at lectures (min. 16) + approval of essay. A reduced number of ECTS-points can be awarded if special circumstances prevent full completion.