NPLK14006U Pesticide Use, Mode of Action and Ecotoxicology
MSc Programme in Agriculture
MSc Programme in Environmental Science
This course covers the science behind the development of pesticides, their use in natural, agricultural and civic environments, their modes of action, their effect on humans and the environment and their regulation.
The importance of mode of action of pesticides will be stressed and linked to chemical properties, uptake, translocation, and metabolism in target and non-target organisms. These physico-chemical properties of pesticides will be linked to their environmental impacts and fate. The evolution of pesticide resistance will be addressed by considering how this compromises normal pesticide action. The principles of assessing pesticide selectivity (including between susceptible and evolved resistant populations) will be an integral part of the course.
The course also considers new digital technologies and data science applications that enable more precise application of pesticides, and the development of novel biological and biotechnological products as alternatives to conventional pesticides. We will also discuss the need to reduce reliance on pesticides in agroecoystems and various ways in which this can be achieved.
You will conduct experiments and collect and analyse different types of data, with a focus on the biological interpretation of dose-response models and results. The statistical programming software R is used throughout the course. Various reference models to assess the efficacy and side effects of pesticide mixtures are taught.
We focus on aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology in relation to pesticide loads, intentional and not intentional discharge in the environment and also the ecotoxicological effects of pesticides on populations and communities.
Risk assessment of the pesticide use is evaluated in relation to ecotoxicology, and the national and international registration systems.
An excursion to the Department of Food and Safety monitoring pesticide residues in our food and feed is an integral part of the course. The course also benefits from lectures from several guest lecturers who talk about their roles in public and private institutions to deliver safe, effective pesticides while minimising harmful impacts on the environment and human health.
The curriculum considers the advantages and disadvantages of pesticide use and teaches students to critically interpret data to enable a science-based approach to pesticide development, use, registration and regulation.
- Know how chemical and physical properties of pesticides affect uptake, distribution, metabolisation and excretion of pesticides in plants and animals
- Know the site and mode of action of exemplary pesticides representing the most used pesticide groups: herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and growth regulators
- Know the principles of pesticide use in crops and for non-agricultural purposes (pest and vector control) including resistance risks, application technologies, and pesticide effects on both target and non-target organisms
- Recognize different data types (binary and gradual endpoints) and know how to analyze them
- Know how to assess pesticide effects on humans and the environment using experimental data, database values and statistical models, which are all critically evaluated
- Know the rationale behind pesticide development and registration
- Know how to perform experiments testing pesticide efficacy and toxicity on a range of target and non-target organisms.
-Set up experiments to test for the effect of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides on target or non-target organisms
- Experience with the statistical programming software R
- Perform statistical analysis and biological interpretation of dose-response data from bioassays with various organisms and endpoints
- Find and select valid database values for toxicities and use these to assess risk of both individual pesticides and their mixtures
- Be able to predict mixture toxicity effects of pesticide mixtures and test of potential synergistic or antagonistic mixtures
- Assess efficacy/toxicity of herbicides and recognise characteristic symptoms of exemplary modes of action
- Evaluate toxicity data in a regulatory context
- Apply quantitative methods to assess pesticide load, drift and fate in organisms and environment
- Know how to collect data from both databases on pesticides and from laboratory experiments, use different digital tools, and statistical models to treat the data, and to critically interpret data and their associated uncertainties based on statistics and a weight-of-evidence approach.
- Evaluate pesticide applications to target and non-target organisms in the terrestrial and aquatic environments
- Put various theories and principles of pesticide action into perspective and make sound judgment of impact of pesticides on different environments
- Discuss pesticide use from a scientific stand in view of its controversial issue in the public
- Understand how knowledge of adverse effects on humans and the environment is used in the risk assessment and legislation of pesticides in Europe.
The exact editions will be written on Absalon.
Examples of course literature:
Stephenson G.R. and Solomon K.R, Pesticides and the Environment, CNTC Canadian Network of Toxicology Centres.
Academic qualifications equivalent to a BSc degree is recommended.
The students will make a written group report for each of the three practical exercises, and a group presentation to explore pesticide mixture toxicity.
- Category
- Hours
- Lectures
- 20
- Class Instruction
- 5
- Preparation
- 100
- Theory exercises
- 20
- Practical exercises
- 40
- Excursions
- 10
- Project work
- 10
- Exam
- 1
- Total
- 206
Written and oral feedback is given for all reports on a report-group basis. All reports thereafter have to be re-submitted. Peer-feedback is given on the final presentation, with different groups being assigned to give feedback on the individual presentations. All students are encouraged to ask questions to practical and theoretical exercises during the course and can be expected to receive feedback on their questions and enquiries.
an exchange, guest and credit student - click here!
- Credit
- 7,5 ECTS
- Type of assessment
- Oral examination, 20 min
- Type of assessment details
- Oral examination in reports and curriculum, 20 min. preparation
- Exam registration requirements
3 reports must be submitted and approved.
- Aid
- All aids allowed except Generative AI
- Marking scale
- 7-point grading scale
- Censorship form
- No external censorship
Two internal examinators
- Re-exam
Oral examination in reports and curriculum, 20 min. preparation
In order to qualify for the re-examination, the student must have submitted three approved practical class reports.
If these were submitted and approved during the original course schedule, the student automatically qualifies for re-examination.
If the student did not submit the three reports, these must be submitted at least two weeks before the re-examination.
Please contact the course coordinator for clarification.
Criteria for exam assesment
See description of learning outcome
Course information
- Language
- English
- Course code
- NPLK14006U
- Credit
- 7,5 ECTS
- Level
- Full Degree Master
- Duration
- 1 block
- Placement
- Block 3
- Schedule
- A
- Course capacity
- 30
The number of places might be reduced if you register in the late-registration period (BSc and MSc) or as a credit or single subject student.
Study board
- Study Board of Natural Resources, Environment and Animal Science
Contracting department
- Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Science
Course Coordinators
- Paul Neve (6-746672697a694474706972326f7932686f)
Paul Neve
Nina Cedergreen
Signe Marie Jensen
Hans Lyngs Jørgensen