NPLB17004U Project in Experimental Molecular Biology

Volume 2025/2026

BSc Programme in Biotechnology


Building on the course “Experimental Molecular Biology”, this course offers the opportunity to apply standard techniques within molecular biology, bioinformatics, biochemistry and physiology to a project within biotechnological research. In addition to project management and experimental design, the course covers concepts and tools important for scientific writing and presentation.

In small groups, the students plan and carry out projects, which allows them to gain additional practical experience with basic and advanced experimental methods in molecular biology depending on the project. Together with their supervisors, the students will analyse and critically interpret their data, write a scientific report and present their project to their peers in different formats.

Learning Outcome

The course aims at extending the students’ practical experience and theoretical knowledge of basic principles and methods in experimental molecular biology. Further, the course supports the student's curiosity and creativity to develop solutions giving them insight and knowledge in innovation.

After completing the course the students should be able to:


  • Compare principles of analytical methods and data analysis used in molecular biology and biotechnology research.

  • Explain how these principles and methods can be exploited in research projects to answer scientific questions.

  • Understand the basic idea of how to plan and carry out project-oriented experimental work from hypothesis generation to dissemination of the results.



  • Plan and carry out a research project in the field of biology/biotechnology combining general methods in molecular biology.

  • Formulate scientific hypotheses and choose appropriate methods to test them.

  • Analyse, visualise, interpret and conclude from data acquired in the laboratory.

  • Search, assess and exploit results and knowledge from relevant scientific sources incl. cite correctly and generate a correct list of references.

  • Summarise and present scientific concepts and own research results to fellow scientists through written and oral communications.

  • Use e.g digital tools in creative processes in the context of project management and presentation.



  • Work independently as well as in a group to to plan, structure and carry out a scientific project.

  • Develop and communicate new ideas for biotechnological solutions.

  • Transfer practical experience and theoretical knowledge to implementation of new targeted analyses.

  • Reflect upon the empirical basis of research within the field of biotechnology.

Participation in the course "Experimental Molecular Biology" including acceptance of at least five lab reports.
The course comprises research projects carried out in groups in different research laboratories. The 3-5 students in a group prepare a written project report describing the research area, approaches and methods used to acquire and analyse data, visualisation of the results, a discussion, conclusions and perspectives. To strengthen their oral communication skills, the students prepare a graphical abstract and present the results of their research in a half-day workshop.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 6,5
  • Laboratory
  • 220
  • Project work
  • 185
  • Exam
  • 0,5
  • Total
  • 412,0
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Peer feedback (Students give each other feedback)
Type of assessment
Oral examination, 30 min.
Type of assessment details
No preparation time.
Project groups submit one report and generate one poster per project. Questions for the individual oral exam cover the content of the project reports as well as methods and concepts covered during the course "Experimental Molecular Biology".
Exam registration requirements

Submission of group report and graphical abstract. Active participation at the midterm session and the final project presentations - which is taking part in the group presentation and being an opponent for another group. It is required to participate in the whole time for both sessions.

All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
External censorship

Reexamination is an oral examination, 30 min. no preparation time.

If either of the requirements for the exam are not met, an individual report has to be handed in no later than 2 weeks before the reexam.

Criteria for exam assesment

In order to obtain the grade 12, the student should convincingly and accurately demonstrate the knowledge, skills and competences described under Learning Outcome.