NNMB14005U East Africa

Volume 2015/2016

The course aim is to provide a broad background introduction to East Africa, so as to provide the basis upon which future research or career interests relating to the region can be built. As such, during the course we will explore topics ranging from the botany, zoology, geology, anthropology and medical related pathogens of the region, as well as the wider information required to put any research that is based in the region into context. Thus we will also cover at an introductory level the region’s recent history and politics, geography, and development.

Learning Outcome


  • Recent history of East Africa
  • Recent politics of East Africa
  • Geography of East Africa
  • Geology of East Africa and its relevance to its Biodiversity
  • Biodiversity and Ecology of East Africa
  • Mammalogy of East Africa
  • Marine Biology of East Africa
  • Entomology of East Africa
  • Avifauna of East Africa
  • Conservation and its challenges in East Africa
  • Development and its challenges for East Africa
  • Major health problems in East Africa


The student will be provided with a broad foundation in the above topics, thus giving them a wide understanding of the region. The students will also be provided with a practical and theoretical understanding with regards to how scientific techniques can be used to address biological, geological and other questions in order to undertake research relevant to the region. This will enable them to critically assess relevant research papers based around the region.


The student will be able to discuss a wide range of topics relating to East Africa at an introductory level, and will be able to use this information to build future research or employment opportunities based around the region.

See absalon. 

This course is aimed at students with no prior knowledge of East Africa, at an introductory level that should be useful for students from Biology, as well as Geography-Geoscience, Geology-GeoScience, Biology-Biotechnology, Natural Resources
Lectures, study groups and collection-based exercises (9 hours a week for 6 weeks). One written assignment (final two weeks) followed by related oral exam.
BSc Programme in Biology. Also relevant for BSc programme in Anthropology, Geography-Geoscience, Geology-GeoScience, Biology-Biotechnology, Natural Resources. This is recommended as an optional course during the second or third year of the BSc program, so as to provide a foundation for relevant MSc thesis research aimed at the region.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Exam
  • 1
  • Lectures
  • 42
  • Practical exercises
  • 6
  • Preparation
  • 128
  • Project work
  • 29
  • Total
  • 206
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Continuous assessment
Oral examination, 20 min
The final grade is 20% determined by the project (written assignment and oral presentation) and 80% by an oral exam.

During the course the student must hand in a written assignment on a topic allocated by the teacher. In week 8 the student must also make a 10 minute presentation on the topic. This part-exam counts 20 % of the grade.

The oral exam consists of 20 minutes on topics spanning the full course content without preparation time.

Both the assignment and the oral exam needs to be passed.
The part exams do not have to be passed in the same exam-period. Part exams do not have to be passed individually, only the final grade counts.
Without aids
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Several internal examiners
A passed assignment can be reused in a re-examination.
Criteria for exam assesment

See learning outcome