NIGK21011U Cancelled Mineral Resources
MSc Programme in Geology-Geoscience
This course gives an introduction to economic geology with an emphasis on the geological processes and the specific mechanisms that lead to the formation of metal and mineral deposits. The course presents an overview of various types of ore deposits and their relation to magmatic, metamorphic, hydrothermal and sedimentary processes. The course involves excercises about the identification of ore minerals and hydrothermal alteration products using reflected light microscopy, as well as micro-XRF and powder-XRD analysis. Finally, an introduction is given to environmental, economic and geopolitical issues concerning mineral exploration and mining, where we treat the concepts of critical metals, bottlenecks in mineral production, value chains, issues with the recyclability of green energy technologies, circular economy, and the importance of sustainability in the mining sector.
-An overview of the petrogenesis of various types of mineral deposits.
-Classification and identification of economic minerals.
-Ore deposit formation in different geological settings.
-An introduction to mineral exploration tools, methods, and strategies.
-The importance of critical metals, sustainability in the mining sector, and circular economy for green energy technologies.
-Innovation and business development within minerals exploration and mining will be introduced by industry professionals.
-Digital portals and platforms for mineral exploration and data acquisition will be presented, as well as the potential application of machine learning to guide exploration models using e.g. hyperspectral satellite data.
-Identification of selected economic minerals and rocks in hand sample.
-The ability to evaluate where certain types of mineral deposits may occur.
-Understanding relevant methods used in mineral exploration and evaluation of the mineral potential at a province scale.
-Basic knowledge about the economic aspects related to the mining sector.
-Introduction to the use of reflected light microscopy for identification of oxide and sulfide minerals.
-Introduction to the use of micro-XRF and powder-XRD analysis for the identification of ore minerals and hydrothermal alteration products.
-Knowledge about the specific formation mechanism of various types of mineral deposits.
-Ability to describe and characterise ore minerals and hydrothemal alteration products.
-Knowledge about the principles and methods used in mineral exploration.
-Written and oral presentation of models for the formation of ore deposits based on independent literature studies.
See Absalon.
- Category
- Hours
- Preparation
- 171
- Exercises
- 35
- Total
- 206
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Continuing Education - click here!
- Credit
- 7,5 ECTS
- Type of assessment
- Written assignment, 2 weeksOral examination, 20 minutes
- Type of assessment details
- A written assignment is handed out three weeks before the exam week and has to be handed in one week before the exam week. The oral exam uses the written assignment as the starting point, but also includes pratical exmination of hand samples during the exam. A combined grade is given after the oral exam. The oral exam is without preparation. At the exam the written part is weighted by 50% and the oral part is weighted by 50%. The course is passed if the combined grade is passed.
- Aid
- Without aids
- Marking scale
- 7-point grading scale
- Censorship form
- External censorship
- Re-exam
The same as the ordinary exam. A new assignment topic is handed out three weeks before the re-exam week and has to be handed in two weeks after the handout. The oral exam uses the written assignment as the starting point, but also includes pratical exmination of hand samples during the exam. A combined grade is given after the oral exam. The oral exam is without preparation. At the exam the written part is weighted by 50% and the oral part is weighted by 50%. The course is passed if the combined grade is passed.
Criteria for exam assesment
See learning outcome.
Course information
- Language
- English
- Course code
- NIGK21011U
- Credit
- 7,5 ECTS
- Level
- Full Degree Master
- Duration
- 1 block
- Placement
- Block 4
- Schedule
- C
- Course capacity
- 25
The number of places might be reduced if you register in the late-registration period (BSc and MSc) or as a credit or single subject student.
Study board
- Study Board of Geosciences and Management
Contracting department
- Department of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Science
Course Coordinators
- Kristoffer Szilas (