NIGK19000U Urban Intervention Studio
MSc Programme in Landscape Architecture
At the Urban Intervention Studio we explore methods of creating new public domains through designing and constructing small scale architectural interventions in 1:1 in close collaboration with local site and community. We set up studio away from the university and into sites in transformation that provide us with interesting and relevant contexts to explore and respond to. The focus is on urban areas in transition such as former industrial sites, challenged public or semi-public domains and landscapes that holds potentials for new content.
We simultaneously work from two directions and from two scales. On one hand, we examine and reflect on planning issues around the case area that can be investigated form a theoretical and strategic perspective. On the other hand, we explore place from a phenomenological and perceptual position by prototyping site-specific urban interventions into an existing spatial situation. Thus, a broad strategic design approach is supplemented by small acupunctural interventions that can initiate a transformation process.
The location provides us with site-specific context to work into –in terms of spatial qualities, planning conditions, historic development, as well as social and cultural character. Through careful site readings, we explore the physical, social and processual conditions of a place. We analyse site conditions, formulate future scenarios and construct urban interventions that respond to the current spatial qualities while simultaneously setting out a potential trajectory for the future. The drafting table is complemented by a strong presence on site developing projects in hand-crafted and local customized processes. This approach has important implications for the design process, for the interpretation of the site context and particularly for learning about space through the interaction of analysis and making by hand.
The course gives the students insight into and experience of how small scale interventions can act as agents of change in areas in transition, and how art, architecture and landscape can provide a site-specific response to place and program.
Students will explore various tools and media for engaging with a local context, identifying spatial qualities and deepening site understanding.
Students will apply a variety of design tools and methods developing their strategic design approach and their design interventions from mapping, drawing, model making and building.
Students will engage in group work exploring how different competences and skills combined can strengthen collaborative project work.
Students will develop their abilities to translate and conceptualize spatial insights into designs interventions focusing on aesthetic qualities and how interventions can affect site.
Students explore how an iterative design process of prototyping can be an effective method for testing potential design solutions.
Students will be in contact with citizens, municipalities, sponsors etc. and thus train skills of communicating and interacting with local stakeholders.
Through fieldtrips, students will be exposed to relevant projects and cases that can fuel course discussions and provide context and references for their own design interventions.
Students will practice communicating concepts, ideas and designs through graphic representations, 1:1 mock-ups, text and oral presentations to fellow students, supervisors and local stakeholders.
Students will engage in peer to peer feed back, theoretical discussions and ongoing group reflections around course themes.
Students will apply a strategic design approach to the case area, synthesizing, mapping and drawing future development scenarios.
Students will explore 1:1 design solutions and engage in building activities strengthening capacity for planning, designing and executing a full-scale design intervention.
Students will read and discuss literature on e.g. urban transformation and design approaches with the aim to actively use theory to discuss and reflect on site and project.
Students will get insights into various ways of approaching and
intervening in sites in transformation through design strategies,
cultural innovation and temporary interventions.
Students will gain knowledge of the potentials and conflicts that exists around integrating temporary projects as part of long term planning strategies.
Students will gain insight into the interrelation between spatial appearances and the underlying site policies and agendas.
Identify potentials and qualities in transforming urban landscapes
through spatial site analysis and stakeholder interaction.
Translate findings into architectural and strategic concepts for
short term and long term interventions.
Work independently with concept development, material and design
exploration and construction of small scale architectural
Develop and draw wider design strategies for areas in transition
Collaborate with student colleagues as well as local actors
Translate empirical experiences into theoretical reflections – and
Work conceptually with artistically founded site specific
architectural interventions and prototypes in combination with
other representational modes of the discipline
Draw and map design interventions into the context of wider area
development strategies
Design and build installations in full scale incorporating design
decisions and process management
Interact and collaborate in a complex setting of students, teachers
and often a wide range of external stakeholders
Examination will be an assessment of project report and assignments produced and handed in throughout the course and the oral presentation of these. Evaluation is based on the analytical, conceptual and aesthetic qualities of the students’ collective work, which includes assessment of the coherency in both the process and the final project and proposal. Criteria are based on the specific content and annual theme of the course as well as the overall aim of the course.
Maps, literature, fieldtrips, lectures, case study site, organised group collaborations, exercises, construction tools and space, project presentations, student feed back sessions, desk crit and supervision etc.
Academic qualifications equivalent to a BSc degree is recommended.
Students will do on site research and site analysis, innovation exercises, concept and design development, interaction with local stakeholders and creation of 1:1 interventions.
The course content is a mix of day to day assignments, lectures, discussions, workshops, presentations and production of actual designs.
Students are expected to be present and participating in course activities during all class hours.
- Category
- Hours
- Excursions
- 30
- Guidance
- 40
- Lectures
- 40
- Preparation
- 52
- Project work
- 250
- Total
- 412
The course contains ongoing weekly supervision of student with oral feed back on their design project and process, weekly collective presentations by students on both design projects and theoretical texts with peer feed back and group discussions, three presentations with feed back from guest crits and local stakeholders, as well as fellow students and supervisors.
- Credit
- 15 ECTS
- Type of assessment
- Written assignment, Ongoing preparation throughout the courseOral examination, 20 minOral exam based on projects and assignments produced throughout the course. An overall assesment is given after the oral exam.
- Aid
- All aids allowed
- Marking scale
- 7-point grading scale
- Censorship form
- No external censorship
Several internal examiners.
- Re-exam
Oral exam based on projects and assignments produced throughout the course. 20 minutes. An overall assesment is given after the oral exam.
Criteria for exam assesment
Please see learning outcome.
Course information
- Language
- English
- Course code
- NIGK19000U
- Credit
- 15 ECTS
- Level
- Full Degree Master
- Duration
- 1 block
- Placement
- Block 4
- Schedule
- A And C
- Course capacity
- 30
- Continuing and further education
- Study board
- Study Board of Geosciences and Management
Contracting department
- Department of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Science
Course Coordinators
- Bettina Lamm (
- Anne Margrethe Wagner (
Anne Magrethe Wagner