NIGK14025U Water Resources (part 1)

Volume 2017/2018

MSc Programme in Geology-Geoscience
MSc Programme in Geography and Geoinformatics


The course will integrate disciplines such as geology, hydrology, hydrogeology, groundwater-surface interactions, and streamflow. Development of complex 3D geological models using advanced geological modeling and visualization software. Fundamentals of groundwater flow, flow pattern and groundwater – surface water interaction in relation to climate, topography, and geological composition. Application of GMS modeling software for simulating groundwater flow, streamlines, groundwater ages, groundwater-surface water interaction, streamflow, and flow budgets.

Learning Outcome


  • Development of complex geological models for use in groundwater flow and transport simulations

  • Theoretical overview of fluxes of the hydrological cycle

  • Rainfall – runoff relationships

  • Groundwater – surface water interaction and impact of topography, climate, and geological settings

  • Development and calibration of a catchment model

  • Travel path lines and ground ages

  • Flow budgets


  • Geological, hydrogeological and hydrological modeling at catchment scale

  • Use of state-of-the-art geological, hydrogeological and hydrological modeling codes

  • Water resources investigations at catchment scale


  • Read and comprehend international literature on water resources and related supporting disciplines

  • Collect and critically evaluate data on geology, hydrogeology, and hydrology

  • Develop, calibrate and apply a hydrological model to flow problems

  • Analyze the impact of the geological settings on subsurface flow, flow lines, and groundwater-surface water interaction

  • Analyze and assess hydrology, water balance and water resources at catchment scale

  • Report water resources analysis


Please see Absalon course page.

BSc in Geology-Geoscience or equivalent.
The form of teaching is theory exercises combined with ad hoc lectures. For the teaching plan, please see Absalon.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Preparation
  • 136
  • Project work
  • 35
  • Theory exercises
  • 35
  • Total
  • 206
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Feedback by final exam (In addition to the grade)
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Written assignment, during course
Oral examination, 20 minutter
The written assignment is prepared during the course and must be handed in prior to the exam week. The oral exam uses the written assignment as its point of departure. It includes the titles listed in the officially approved reading list. A combined grade is given after the oral exam.
Without aids
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
External censorship

Re-submission of written assignment, 20 minutes oral examination. The written assignment must be handed in prior to the re-examination week. The oral exam uses the written assignment as its point of departure. It includes the titles listed in the officially approved reading list.

Criteria for exam assesment

Please see learning outcome.