NIFK23005U People, Poverty and Environmental Change

Volume 2025/2026

MSc Programme in Environment and Development
MSc Programme in Global Environment and Development
MSc Programme in Global Forestry


The world is experiencing rapid and unprecedented changes, including the depletion of environmental resources. This has profound adverse effects on people and communities who rely on these resources for their livelihoods. Balancing environmental and social concerns and achieving sustainability is an analytical and practical challenge.

In this course, we focus on poverty and environmental change. We explore key concepts and perspectives from social science disciplines focusing on livelihood strategies and how they change over time. The course is research-based and develops students’ quantitative and qualitative skills through working with original research data. We use cases to highlight the relationship between environmental resources, institutional arrangements, poverty and vulnerability. We discuss how external factors such as climate change, market forces, and state legislation affect local resource control and access and how that affects rural livelihoods.

A vital component of the course is its focus on both quantitative and qualitative tools for understanding and analyzing rural livelihoods. This provides students with a solid foundation for critically assessing and reflecting on academic representations of livelihoods and linking local issues to broader developmental processes. Through this work, we aim to provide students with essential skills for conducting thesis work involving fieldwork in the Global South.

Learning Outcome

The course aims to provide participants with a thorough understanding of the connection between poverty and environmental change as it materializes through people's livelihood activities and enable students to critically reflect on methodological and analytical strategies for exploring this nexus.

After completing the course, students should be able to:


Discuss strengths and weaknesses of different livelihoods approaches

Discuss the spatio-temporal variations of livelihoods

Discuss the relationship between local institutions and livelihood outcomes

Discuss how economic, environmental, and political processes affect rural livelihoods



Analyse quantitative and qualitative household-level data

Critically assess approaches to livelihood data collection and analysis

Develop methodologies for livelihood analysis

Cooperate with peers to integrate different disciplinary approaches to livelihoods analysis



Towards the end of the course, students should be able to critically reflect on and discuss outcomes and processes of rural livelihoods and different methodological and analytical strategies for understanding these.

The course curriculum consists of state-of-the-art book chapters and journal articles that are made available during the course.

Academic qualifications equivalent to a BSc degree are recommended. A core principle of the course is a curiosity about different intersecting approaches to understanding sustainability challenges. This curiosity is also expected from the students.
Blended learning combining e-learning and classroom activities. E-learning is centered on online asynchronous discussions in small groups. Students are asked to (i) read the mandatory literature; (ii) participate in online asynchronous discussions on a particular topic of relevance for the week’s theme (see themes above); and (iii) meet up in class to discuss the reading material and solve livelihoods problems (based on quantitative and qualitative case study data).
The course is identical to the discontinued courses, NIFK20007U Livelihoods and Environmental Change, LNAK10083U Rural Livelihoods and Natural Resources Governance and NIFK18002U Interdisciplinary Approaches to Rural Livelihoods. Therefore you cannot register for this course, if you have already passed NIFK20007U Livelihoods and Environmental Change, LNAK10083U Rural Livelihoods and Natural Resources Governance or NIFK18002U Interdisciplinary Approaches to Rural Livelihoods.

If you are registered with examination attempts in NIFK20007U Livelihoods and Environmental Change, LNAK10083U Rural Livelihoods and Natural Resources Governance or NIFK18002U Interdisciplinary Approaches to Rural Livelihoods without having passed the course, you have to use your last examination attempts to pass the exam in this course. You have a total of three examination attempts.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 12
  • Class Instruction
  • 24
  • Preparation
  • 100
  • Practical exercises
  • 16
  • E-Learning
  • 24
  • Exam
  • 30
  • Total
  • 206
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Feedback by final exam (In addition to the grade)
Peer feedback (Students give each other feedback)

Lecturer’s written feedback on online discussions, peer feedback on online discussions, lecturer’s written feedback on written assignments, lecturer’s oral feedback during in-class empirical exercises.

7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Written assignment, made during the block
Type of assessment details
An individual essay of 2000 words in which students analyse a case-based problem using a combination of qualitative and quantitative insights and discuss the results using scientific literature.
All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
one internal examiner

Re-examination will be a 2000-word essay. Students will get 24 hours to write the essay.

Criteria for exam assesment

See description of 'Learning outcome'