NFOK25000U Plants for Foods 1 – Composition and Biochemistry

Volume 2025/2026

MSc Programme in Food Science and Technology


This course focuses on the structure, composition and biochemistry of plants that are utilised for foods. The first part of the course will deal with plant anatomy, composition and plant growth (photosynthesis, allocation and storage), and the second part will focus on specific plant constituents (protein, starch, oil, fibers, small molecule metabolites) with a focus on storage organs (seeds, fruites and other edible parts). Alternative sources of ingredients from algae, fungi and bacteria will also be covered.

A subsequent course called Plants for Foods 2 will focus more on post harvest processing and functionality of specific ingredients


Tentative Modules

  • The anatomy of plants.
  • Plant growth, development including germination.
  • Composition of storage organs (seeds, fruites and other edible parts).
  • Small molecule metabolites (antinutrients and antioxidants).
  • Complex carbohydrates including starch and cell walls.
  • Alternative sources of protein and oils including precision fermentation.
Learning Outcome

The primary outcome will be a sound knowledge of the biochemistry behind plant growth, development of seeds and fruits as well as a knowledge of the composition of plant parts, from individual cells to whole organs. A secondary out some is knowledge on alternative sources of food relevant ingredients.

•    Demonstrate an ability to apply cell biology understanding to properties and processes in plants for foods.
•   Describe biochemical pathways, and the basic chemical structures, leading to important components of plants for foods
•   Describe biochemical composition of plant seeds, fruits and other edible parts.

•   Overview of alternative sources of rawmaterials for food.

•    Perform simple lab-scale experiments using extraction and separation of seed constituents, explore seed germination and use of hydrolytic enzymes.

•    Work independently and use scientific literature. 
•    Be theoretically prepared and qualified for the subsequent course Plants for foods 2 - Processing and functionality.


Primary scientific papers and reviews will accompany all lectures, demonstrations and exercises. These papers define the curriculum and are thus exam relevant. 

It is essential for the ability to follow the course to have some knowledge on bachelor level in cell biology, biochemistry, organic chemistry, molecular biology, genetics and microbiology .
The core teaching is comprised of lectures delivered by a wide range of speakers, including invited international guest lecturers. These are supplemented by journal clubs and practicals in the form of demonstrations and tastings.
The course has several weeks of co-teaching with the course NPLK19005U Fundamentals of Beer Brewing and Wine Making - Biochemistry, Organisms and Omics Techniques.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 50
  • Preparation
  • 125
  • Theory exercises
  • 21
  • Practical exercises
  • 9
  • Exam
  • 1
  • Total
  • 206

Students hand in micro-project reports (group-wise) either theoretical or laboratory-based. Feed-back is provided for each micro-project so that general issues are handled orally in plenum while group-specific issues are dealt with in writing to each group.

7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Oral examination, 25 minutes
Type of assessment details
Individual oral exam (no preparation). The exam tests the student’s ability to engage in a scientific discussion.

The exam comprises questions inspired by the lectures and based on the curriculum papers, typically with a focus on methods and data interpretation.
Exam registration requirements

Participants will do groupwise micro-projects. It is a requirement that the project reports have been submitted and approved.

All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Several internal examiners

Same as ordinary.

If the requirements are not met the reports have to be handed in individually 3 weeks before re-exam and must be approved.

Criteria for exam assesment

See learning outcome.