NFOK14018U Advanced Food Chemistry

Volume 2015/2016
MSc Programme in Food Science and Technology
MSc Animal Derived Foods

The course topics relate to specific food products and advanced food chemistry where reactions of the major food components, proteins, carbohydrate and lipids is occurring. The control of these reactions is of primary importance to ensure product quality.

In the lectures of this course the effects of processing and storage conditions on the chemical composition of the food is discussed. Examples are the oxidation of lipids and the importance of lipid refining, the modification of polysaccharides and unfolding and chemical reactivity of proteins.

In addition to basic knowledge attention is given to (1) the occurrence and reactivity of these compounds as well as their interaction in different food products, and (2) the analysis of these compounds and their reaction products. The application of the information discussed during the lectures will be demonstrated in a computer assisted modeling exercise in relation to understanding changes of food quality during processing.

Learning Outcome

The course objective is to acquire an understanding of the chemical reactions that take place with food components during processing and storage, and be capable of designing and conducting experiments and interpreting data to understand important reactions and interactions in food chemistry.

After completing the course the student should be able to:


  • Classify structures and properties of components and of chemical reactions in foods during processing and storage.
  • Recognize important reactions and mechanisms in foods and describe how these may affect the quality of foods based on food chemistry principles.
  • Describe carbohydrates, lipids and proteins basic characteristics in food and the mechanisms for formation of specific taste and aroma during processing.
  • Display overview of specific interactions of food components and use analytical data to describe the changes during processing.



  • Suggest which specific analytical methods that is relevant for describing chemical changes of food quality.
  • Explain the mechanisms during processing and storage which cause modifications or formation of specific components in foods.
  • Explain the mechanisms by which other components in food influence the behavior and reactivity of key components in foods.
  • Use the theoretical knowledge to solve food chemical problems on food quality during processing and storage.
  • Reading and using original scientific literature, and communicate the obtained knowledge in writing.
  • Illustrate and discuss analytical data understandably and thoroughly.



  • Apply theory and knowledge on the properties of food components to understand important reactions and mechanisms in food chemistry.
  • Discuss the outcome of reactions and interactions taking place during food production and storage, and make suggestions to solve problems on food quality.
  • Evaluate and predict the chemical food quality based on analytical data, kinetic mechanisms and scientific literature.
  • Cooperate with fellow students on project and exercises.

Book chapters, collection of reviews, and original scientific literature

BSc courses in inorganic and organic chemistry.
LLEA10273 Fødevarekemi or equivalent course in Food Chemistry.
Active participation during plenary lectures, self-study of theory. Participation in case studies in which interaction between food components will be studied for a number of product groups by different analytical methods. Literature search. Participation in project work in which the student independently designs and conducts experiments on the paper, followed by interpretation of the results and writing a project report. The theoretical exercises support the plenary lectures and case studies. Experience in project work and report writing.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Exam
  • 1
  • Guidance
  • 20
  • Lectures
  • 32
  • Preparation
  • 53
  • Project work
  • 68
  • Theory exercises
  • 32
  • Total
  • 206
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Oral examination, 25 min
Oral examination in the project report and the course curriculum. The oral test examines the theoretical knowledge, and the knowledge of experimental design and analytical methods in food chemistry.
Exam registration requirements
Handling in and approval of project report based on research papers within a specific topic.
All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
External censorship
Same as ordinary exam with oral examination in the project report and the course curriculum. If the project report is missing, an individual report must be handed in 1 week before re-exam.
Criteria for exam assesment

Fullfilment of learning outcomes.