NFOB15002U Brewing Summer Course 2,5 ECTS

Volume 2025/2026

The course contains an introduction to the basic raw materials in brewing: malt, water and hops. We go through the basic processes in the brewhouse, the brewer's yeast, fermentation, maturation, filtration and corresponding process equipment. The process ends with packaging of beer and types of containers.

The course also contains subjects surrounding the production of beer: beer history, the role of beer in society, the Danish and international brewing industry and the basics of beer and health.
We introduce tasting of different beer styles.
We make a brew in the pilot brewing plant and visit a brewery.

At the end of the week there is an exam.

Learning Outcome

After the course the student will have obtained the following:


  • Basic understanding of the manufacturing processes of beer in a classic brewery with respect to impact from raw materials, brewhouse – and fermentation processes.
  • Knowledge of most popular beer styles and their use in context with beer and food.
  • Basic understanding of the role of beer in society
  • Basic understanding of the role for beer and health



  • Apply academic methodology to describe basic manufacturing beer and beer’s role in society.
  • Read and use original scientific literature regarding beer and beer manufacturing.



  • Evaluate the role of beer in society, beer and health, modern beer containers based on literature, on lectures and partly also own project work.

A selection of reviews, book chapters, original scientific literature, articles from news magazines and lecturer teaching material is presented and made available to students before the summer course starts.

Basic qualifications in chemistry and microbiology on bachelor level is recommended
A) Reading material for self - study is sent out to students 3 weeks before teaching at KU SCIENCE.
B) Lectures 27 - 31 July 2026, where a general overview of the subject is presented.
C) Theoretical exercises that elaborate and illustrate the theoretical knowledge by using e.g. specific real world examples.
D) Visit to a brewery.
The course will be useful for any student, who wants knowledge of beer from a technical and a societal point of view
It is recommended that students have passed 100 ECTS points of their bachelor programme before signing up for this course
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 27
  • Preparation
  • 30
  • Theory exercises
  • 8
  • Excursions
  • 3
  • Exam
  • 1
  • Total
  • 69
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
2,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
On-site written exam, 1 hour under invigilation
Type of assessment details
Written examination with certain aids on the last day of the course
Only certain aids allowed (see description below)

Dictionary and calculator

Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Several internal examiners

Same as ordinary.

If 10 or fewer register for the reexamination the examination form will be oral. The oral reexam is with the same aids as the written exam. There is 20 minutes for preparation and 20 minutes for examination.  

Criteria for exam assesment

Fulfillment of learning outcome