HRUK0001EU ØST, Geopolitics and culture in the post-Soviet context: Russia and its neighbors

Volume 2018/2019

Curriculum for the BA programme for the East and South East European Studies with specialisations in Balkan Studies, Modern Greek Studies, Polish and Russian, the 2015 curriculum

Curriculum for the elective studies in Rusian, The 2017 Curriculum

Curriculum for the elective studies in Eastern European Studies, The 2007 Curriculum

Curriculum for Master´s Programme in Russian Language and Culture
The 2008 Curriculum

Curriculum for Master´s Programme in Eastern European Studies, The 2008 Curriculum

Curriculum for Master’s Programme in Cross-Cultural Studies, The 2015 Curriculum



The unpredictable foreign policy of post-Soviet Russia and its neighbors could be dangerous and consequential for the entire world. This course provides a bird’s eye view on international relations in this region. It argues that in order to better understand the behavior of post-Soviet states on the international arena, we have to examine not only political but also cultural, historical and religious phenomena. The course is grounded on the constructivist paradigm (critical geopolitics) and pays special attention to the factors shaping the collective identities of international actors. Specifically it dwells on the role of Orthodox Christianity, emotions (related to honor and recognition), dominant ideologies, geography and perception of space, literature, arts, and creative imagination. 

Learning Outcome

BA i Øst- og Sydøsteuropastudier - 2015-studieordning:
Særligt studeret emne - Russisk (fagelementkode HRUB00791E)
Særligt studeret emne - Polsk (fagelementkode HPLB00791E)
Særligt studeret emne - Balkanstudier (fagelementkode HBAB00791E)

BA-projekt - Russisk (fagelementkode HRUB00801E)
BA-projekt - Polsk (fagelementkode HPLB00801E)
BA-projekt - Balkanstudier (fagelementkode HBAB00801E)

BA-tilvalg i Russisk - 2017-studieording:
Valgfrit emne vedrørende Rusland (fagelementkode HRUB10101E)

BA-tilvalg i Østeuropastudier -  2007-studieording:
Valgfrit emne (fagelementkode HØEB10031E)

KA i Russisk -  2008-studieordning:
Fagteori (fagelementkode HRUK03311E)
Valgfag (fagelementkode HRUK03371E)

KA i Polsk - 2008-studieording:
Fagteori (fagelementkode HPLK03311E)
Valgfag (fagelementkode HPLK03371E)

KA i Østeuropastudier (russisk) - 2008-studieordning:
Særligt studeret emne I (fagelementkode HØEK03211E)
Særligt studeret emne II (fagelementkode HØEK03231E)
Emne B: Fri fagdisciplin (fagelementkode HØEK03241E)
Valgfag (fagelementkode HØEK03261E)

KA i Tværkulturelle studier - 2015-studieordning:
Regional specialisering (fagelementkode HTÆK03021E)
Regional specialisering med sprog (fagelementkode HTÆK03041E)
Aktuel tematisk problemstilling (fagelementkode HTÆK03051E)

To be announced in Absalon

The course consists of weekly four hours of lectures, seminars, individual and group work on students’ projects.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 56
  • Preparation
  • 356,5
  • Total
  • 412,5
Type of assessment
Criteria for exam assesment