HNAB0102FU NÆR, Themes and Topics 2: Environments and landscapes in the archaeological record of southwest Asia

Volume 2019/2020

Nærorientalske oldtidskulturer på bachelorniveau med centralt fag i
Assyriologi, Nærorientalsk arkæologi eller Ægyptologi, 2015,

Fagstudieordning BA-tilvalg i assyriologi, nærorientalsk arkæologi, ægyptologi 2019

Fagstudieordning Kandidattilvalg i assyriologi, nærorientalsk arkæologi, ægyptologi 2019

Fagstudieordning Kandidatuddannelserne i nærorientalsk arkæologi, assyriologi og ægyptologi 2019.


This course will outline some of the key themes and debates from the Chalcolithic to later historical periods of the Middle East, covering the Near East and northeast Africa from the 5th to the 1st mill BCE. Proceeding chronologically, the course will cover a wide array of themes ranging from the importance of feasting in chiefdoms, state development and the origins of hierarchy to the larger empires of the later periods. The course will be taught by means of lectures, seminars and practical exercises.

Students will gain in-depth knowledge of chosen periods from proto-historic and historic archaeology and history of the Near East and Egypt, and will critically examine the use of archaeological and historical data to interpret this record.  In the practical exercises students will be given the opportunity to engage with the material culture. Completion of three short practical projects is a mandatory course requirement. Students will also give a short presentation on their practical projects as part of the course during the semester. The course is taught in English.

Learning Outcome

BA 2015-studieording
Temaer og emne i nærorientalsk arkæologi 2 (aktivitetskode HNAB00461E)

BA tilvalg 2019-studieordning
Temaer og emner i nærorientalsk arkæologi 2 (aktivitetskode HNAB10351E)

KA 2019-studeordning
Archaeological Analysis (constituent for Near Eastern Archeology), (aktivitetskode HNAK03531E)

KA tilvalg 2019-studieordning
Critical Analysis of Materiel Culture (aktivitetskode HNAK13001E)


Students will be expected to read literature in English, and to a lesser degree in German or French.
Lectures, exercises, discussion and student presentations
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Exam
  • 70
  • Guidance
  • 2
  • Lectures
  • 42
  • Practical exercises
  • 42
  • Preparation
  • 156,5
  • Project work
  • 100
  • Total
  • 412,5
Type of assessment
Criteria for exam assesment