HINK0100EU Mesoamerican Lingustics (The Grammar of Space in Mesoamerican Languages)

Volume 2019/2020

Fagstudieordning for kandidatuddannelsen i Indianske sprog og kulturer, 2019

Fagstudieordning for kandidattilvalg på indianske sprog og kulturer, 2019






This course provides an introduction to the study of the grammar of spatial relations, focusing on spatial grammar in Mesoamerican languages – particularly the Uto-Aztecan language Nahuatl.

The course surveys the literature on Spatial Grammar, and introduces the main research questions, theoretical frameworks and methods of the field.

It also introduces the field of Mesoamerican linguistics, including the main language families of the cultural area and their different ways of representing spatial relations.

Learning Outcome

KA-studieordning, 2019
Lingvistik (aktivitetstkode HINK03181E)

KA -tilvalgsstudieordning, 2019
Mesoamerikansk linkvistik (aktivitetskode HINK13181E)


BA in a language related field, preferably with coursework in either American Indian Studies or Linguistics
Basic knowledge of linguistics and linguistic methods
The course will be a compact four-week seminar, with intensive readings and long seminar-style class meetings with practical exercises.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 56
  • Preparation
  • 356,5
  • Total
  • 412,5
Type of assessment