HIØA00674U Civilizing the Margins: Formations of Frontier Societies in Southeast Asia

Volume 2013/2014
Udbydes efter Studieordning for Asienstudier på BA-niveau med specialisering i de centrale fag Indologi, Japanstudier, Kinastudier, Koreastudier, Sydøstasienstudier og Tibetologi, 2010-ordningen og Studieordning for kandidatuddannelsen i Asienstudier 2008-ordningen
Starting with James C. Scott’s fulminant work, The Art of Not Being Governed, this course provides an ethno-historical perspective on the relationship of emerging nation-states and ethnic minorities in the frontier regions of continental Southeast Asia. Calling it ”an anarchist history of upland Southeast Asia,” Scott argues that indigenous minorities in the upland massive called ”Zomia” comprising Burma, China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, assessed state projects of civilizing the margins and made a choice to avoid them. In this course, we will use academic studies, social and oral histories, fiction aand film (including documentary footage) to be in a position to evaluate and discuss Scott’s path-breaking, but provocative text. Doing so, this course hopes to contribute to a deep understanding of the processes of state formation and expansion, border making, social control and resistance.
Learning Outcome
BA 2010-ordning:
Sydøstasiatisk realia 1 (fagelementkode HIØB00671E eller HTHB00671E)
Sydøstasiatisk realia 2 (fagelementkode HIØB00741E eller HTHB00741E)
Sydøstasiatisk realia 3 (fagelementkode HTØB00761E eller HTHB00761E)

BA 2005-ordning:
Sydøstasiatisk Realia B (fagelementkode HSØB00361E)
Sydøstasiatisk Realia C (fagelementkode HSØB00391E)

BA Tilvalg 2007-ordning:
Sydøstasiatisk Realia A (fagelementkode HSØB10051E)
Sydøstasiatisk Realia B (fagelementkode HSØB10061E)

KA 2008-ordning:
Tværfagligt tema (fagelementkode HFKK00356E eller HFKK00372E)
Tekstbaseret emne (fagelementkode HFKK00316E eller HFKK00341E)
Emnekursus A (fagelementkode HFKK00387E eller HFKK00386E)
Formidling (fagelementkode HFKK00326E eller HFKK00355E)
Emnekursus B (fagelementkode HFKK00371E eller HFKK00328E)
Scott, James C. 2009. The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

Other readings to be announced.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Guidance
  • 272
  • Lectures
  • 28
  • Preparation
  • 112,5
  • Total
  • 412,5
Type of assessment
Criteria for exam assesment