HFIK04081U FILO Fænomenologi og bevidsthedsfilosofi -
FILO Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind
Kandidatuddannelsen i Filosofi, 2019-ordningen:
Fænomenologi og bevidsthedsfilosofi: HFIK04081E
Kandidattilvalg på filosofi, 2019-ordningen
Fænomenologi og bevidsthedsfilosofi: HFIK14081E
The Mystery of Consciousness
According to many thinkers, consciousness is the biggest mystery there is. This may seem paradoxical. Consciousness is readily accessible to all of us. We are conscious throughout our waking lives. Yet at the same time, consciousness is shrouded in mystery. As David Chalmers puts it, ‘we are entirely in the dark about how consciousness fits into the natural order’ (The Conscious Mind, OUP, 1996, p. xi): ‘How could a physical system such as a brain also be an experiencer?’ (ibid.).
The place of consciousness in nature is one issue. A prior issue concerns what we are talking about when we talk about consciousness.
In this course, we will address the question of what consciousness is, and we will look into attempts to fit it into ‘the natural order’. We will read texts by leading analytic philosophers of mind – e.g. Ned Block, David Chalmers, Daniel Dennett – as well as by classical and contemporary phenomenologists – e.g. Edmund Husserl, Charles Siewert, Uriah Kriegel. We will also look at some attempts by non-philosophers to come to grips with the problem of consciousness – e.g. that of Francis Crick and Christof Koch.
- Kategori
- Timer
- Holdundervisning
- 56
- Undervisningsforberedelse
- 353,5
- I alt
- 409,5
Ansøgningsfrist: 1. december 2019 to mefstudieadmin@hum.ku.dk
Ansøgningsprocedure: http://hum.ku.dk/uddannelser/tilvalg/merit/
Credit transfer students from other faculties or universities in Denmark:
Application deadline: 1 December 2019 to mefstudieadmin@hum.ku.dk
Application procedure: http://humanities.ku.dk/education/credit-transfer-students/
- Point
- 15 ECTS
- Prøveform
- Mundtlig prøve
Kriterier for bedømmelse
- Sprog
- Engelsk
- Kursuskode
- HFIK04081U
- Point
- 15 ECTS
- Niveau
- KandidatKandidat tilvalg
- Placering
- Forår
- Skemagruppe
- -
- Studienævn
- Studienævnet for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling
Udbydende institut
- Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling
Udbydende fakultet
- Det Humanistiske Fakultet
- Jesper Nielsen (jesn@hum.ku.dk)
Søren Overgaard