HFIK00004U FILO Anvendt filosofi
Applied Philosophy
KA-Filosofi 2022-ordning, KA-tilvalg filosofi 2022-ordning.
MA course, Applied Philosophy, fall 2023
The focus of the first part of the course will be on philosophical psychopathology and on how ideas from phenomenology can productively be used to better understand various psychiatric disorders. After a general presentation of the field of philosophical psychopathology (as an instance of applied philosophy of mind) and an initial discussion of what applied phenomenology might amount to, we will discuss some classical texts by Karl Jaspers, and then examine how phenomenological philosophy can be used to better understand disorders of selfhood, embodiment and intersubjectivity.
History of Philosophy (- 1900)
The focus of the second part of the course will be onenvironmental virtue ethics. The world’s environmental challenges have now been known for several decades. High-profile international institutions have called for action over the last years: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/) has warned against global warming and The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform of Biodiversity (https://ipbes.net/global-assessment) has reported the dramatic decline in biodiversity. Policy makers have typically focused on technological solutions and regulation to these environmental challenges. This makes sense, as far as more efficient and climate-friendly technologies and regulation can provide solutions within a variety of areas. However, in order to ensure sustainable, green transition, human behaviour also has to change, and in this context environmental virtue ethics (EVE) suggests a solution an urgent problem; how to overcome the gap between what we know we should do, in order to behave in a more climate-friendly manner, and what we actually do? EVE thus asks: Which motivations and character traits are in support of climate-friendly behaviour? This part of the course introduces recent contributions to environmental virtue ethics, which draw on Aristotle’s virtue ethics, and it applies these contributions to various cases from the on-going ecological crisis.
Practical philosophy
The third part of the course will feature an exemplification and discussion of conceptual engineering as a valuable form of applied philosophy. Conceptual engineering is a recent addition to the broad set of approaches and conceptual tools developed in analytical philosophy. Basically, conceptual engineering is a matter of rigorously constructing concepts that are better suited for our purposes, including epistemic and political purposes. Thus, the aim in conceptual engineering is not to analyze concepts or pronounce on the metaphysical nature of things, but to devise better concepts than those we currently use. In this sense conceptual engineering shares some ideas with constructivism (the idea that some of our concepts are socially constructed), yet it does not commit to philosophically implausible claims that reality is socially constructed. In the course, we will look at conceptual engineering applied to concepts of race, gender and to a variety of health concepts.
Exams. In the 2022 Philosophy Curriculum, the second term involves portfolio exams. Below are explained the two ways in which such a portfolio exam can be passed: either as ordinary participation (A) or as a participation with a teaching or presentation assignment (B).
A. Ordinary course participation Part 1: Questions are asked in all three parts of the course, with the student answering questions in two different parts. The student submits two assignments of 3-4 standard pages answering questions asked in two of the three parts of the course. One of the assignments can be further developed and used in the final exam paper. The course responsible sets three deadlines for submission (the last one must be at least 14 days before the last class). If student meets these deadlines, he or she will receive written feedback on his or her assignments. It is not compulsory to hand in the assignments before the deadline, but it is compulsory to hand in and have both answers approved in order to pass the exam. Part 2: No later than 14 days before the last class, the student must submit a problem statement, a 1-2 synopsis (1-2 standard pages, in prose) and a syllabus for the final examination paper to the examiner. All must be approved by the examiner for the student to pass the exam. Part 3: The student may submit a preliminary version of the final written exam paper of maximum 8 standard pages for written or oral feedback from the examiner, according to agreement between the student and the examiner. This must be done at least 14 days before the deadline for the final submission. The student loses the right to feedback if the deadline is not met, but it is not compulsory to hand in the provisional version. Part 4: Final exam: The student submits the final written exam paper of 11-15 standard pages (excluding bibliography).
B. Course participation with teaching or dissemination assignment Part 1: A teaching assignment consists of 2-6 hours of teaching with an external partner; a dissemination assignment consists of 5-15 hours of work with an external partner. An external partner is, for example, a secondary school, a college, an NGO, a public or private company or organisation. If a teaching or dissemination assignment is carried out, a form must be used indicating the external partner and providing evidence that the assignment took place between 1 February and 20 May. The agreement with an external partner must be sent to the course responsible by 15 April (please use the form). Part 2: The student sends a debriefing to the course responsible at the latest in the last week of the course. In the case of a teaching assignment, a debrief consists of 1/2-1 page description of the teaching assignment, the literature or theory reviewed, and brief pedagogical reflection. In the case of a dissemination assignment, a debriefing consists of 1/2-1 page description of the dissemination task, as well as a short reflection on the competences used. Part 3: The student may submit a preliminary version of the final written exam paper of maximum 8 standard pages for written or oral feedback from the examiner, according to agreement between the student and the examiner. This must be done at least 14 days before the deadline for the final submission. The student loses the right to feedback if the deadline is not met, but it is not compulsory to hand in the provisional version.
Part 4: The student submits a written exam paper of 11-15 standard pages (excluding bibliography)
For en dansk version af prøvebestemmelser se under Eksamem - prøveformsdetaljer
Ved prøven kan den studerende demonstrere:
Viden om og forståelse af
• paradigmatiske former for anvendt filosofi og deres metodologiske
• filosofiske teoridannelse og deres betydning for et afgrænset
empirisk område. Indsigt i den filosofiske teoridannelse er opnået
gennem læs-ning af tekster inden for praktisk filosofi,
filosofihistorie (-1900) og fænomenologi.
Færdigheder i at
• afgrænse et empirisk område i anvendt filosofi
• anvende filosofisk teoridannelsen på et afgrænset empirisk
område, herunder anvendelse af filosofisk teoridannelse med henblik
på udvik-ling af løsningsforslag, anbefalinger, udredninger mm.
• gennemføre en bibliografisk søgning på databaser, der giver
adgang til opdateret, international forskningslitteratur, som er
relevant i for-hold til det valgte område.
Kompetencer til at
• Gennemføre en faglig analyse og diskussion af en filosofisk
problem-stilling behandlet i pensum, samt at udvikle
løsningsforslag og vur-dere deres styrker og
- Kategori
- Timer
- Forelæsninger
- 52
- Forberedelse (anslået)
- 248
- Eksamen
- 109,5
- I alt
- 409,5
- Point
- 15 ECTS
- Prøveform
- Portfolio
- Prøveformsdetaljer
- I Filosofis KA-2022 indgår der i kurserne på andet semester
portfolio-eksamen. Nedenfor forklares de to måder, hvorpå sådan en
portfolio-eksamen kan bestås: Enten som ordinært forløb (A) eller
som forløb med undervisnings- eller formidlingsopgave (B).
A. Ordinært forløb
Del 1: Der stilles spørgsmål i alle tre dele af kurset, hvoraf den studerende besvarer spørgsmål i to forskellige dele. Den studerende fremsender to besvarelser á 3-4 ns af spørgsmål stillet i to af kursets tre dele. Én af besvarelserne kan videreudvikles og bruges i den endelige eksamensopgave. Kursusansvarlig fastsætter tre deadlines for aflevering (den sidste skal ligge senest 14 dage inden sidste undervisningsgang). Hvis den studerende overholder disse deadlines, vil den studerende få skriftlig feedback på sine besvarelser. Det er ikke obligatorisk at aflevere inden deadline, men det er obligatorisk at aflevere og få godkendt begge besvarelser for at kunne bestå eksamen.
Del 2: Senest 14 dage inden sidste undervisningsgang skal den studerende fremsende en problemformulering, en synopsis på 1-2 ns (i prosa) og en pensumliste for den endelige eksamensopgave til eksaminator. Alle skal godkendes af eksaminator for at den studerende kan bestå eksamen.
Del 3: Den studerende kan aflevere en foreløbig version af den endelige skriftlige eksamensopgave på maximalt 8 ns. til skriftlig eller mundtlig feedback fra eksaminator efter aftale. Dette senest 14 dage før deadline for den endelige aflevering. Den studerende mister retten til feedback hvis ikke deadline nås, men det er ikke obligatorisk at aflevere den foreløbige version.
Del 4: Endelig eksamen: Den studerende afleverer den endelige skriftlige eksamensopgave på 11-15 ns (eksklusiv bibliografi).
B. Forløb med undervisning eller formidling
Del 1: Et undervisningsforløb består i 2-6 timers undervisning hos en ekstern partner; en formidlingsopgave består i 5-15 timer arbejde hos en ekstern partner. En ekstern partner er eksempelvis et gymnasium, en højskole, et seminarium, en NGO, en offentlig eller privat virksomhed eller organisation. Hvis man laver et undervisnings- eller et formidlingsforløb, skal der benyttes et skema, som angiver den eksterne partner, og som dokumenterer at opgaveløsningen har fundet sted i perioden 1. februar til 20. maj. Aftale med en ekstern partner sendes til den kursusansvarlige senest 15. april (benyt skema).
Del 2: Den studerende sender en afrapportering til den kursusansvarlige senest i sidste undervisningsuge. Hvis der er tale om et undervisningsforløb, består en afrapportering i 1/2 -1 sides beskrivelse af undervisningsopgave, gennemgået litteratur eller teori, samt kort pædagogisk refleksion. Hvis der er tale om et formidlingsforløb, består en afrapportering i 1/2 -1 sides beskrivelse af formidlingsopgaven, samt en kort refleksion over anvendte kompetencer.
Del 3: Den studerende kan aflevere en foreløbig version af den endelige skriftlige eksamensopgave på maximalt 8 ns. til skriftlig eller mundtlig feedback fra eksaminator efter aftale. Dette senest 14 dage før deadline for den endelige aflevering. Den studerende mister retten til feedback hvis ikke deadline nås, men det er ikke obligatorisk at aflevere den foreløbige version.
Del 4: Den studerende afleverer en skriftlig eksamensopgave på 11-15 ns (eksklusiv bibliografi).
- Sprog
- Engelsk - Delvist på dansk.
- Kursuskode
- HFIK00004U
- Point
- 15 ECTS
- Niveau
- KandidatKandidat tilvalg
- Varighed
- 1 semester
- Placering
- Forår
- Studienævn for Kommunikation
Udbydende institut
- Institut for Kommunikation
Udbydende fakultet
- Det Humanistiske Fakultet
- Dan Zahavi (zahavi@hum.ku.dk)
Dan Zahavi, Leo Catana, Klemens Kappel