HFIB00831U Politisk filosofi
Political Philosophy
Bachelor Filosofi 2019-ordning
BA-Tilvalg 2019-ordning
Kandidat sidefag 2020-ordning
The normative basis of society and the problem of social order. Classical theories of political philosophy and their foundations. Historical and current debates on, among other things, justice, equality, freedom, democracy, the common good, multiculturalism, pluralism, tolerance, social criticism, power and human rights.
In the exam, the student can demonstrate:
Knowledge and understanding of
· theories covering key topics in political philosophy such as justice, power, equality, freedom, legitimacy, democracy, public reason, pluralism and tolerance.
· historically central individuals and schools in political philosophy, the historical context of the subject's concepts, problems and methods.
· authoritative tools within the subject in the form of bibliographic search tools, encyclopedias, authoritative overviews and introductions as well as scientific forums for the subject.
Skills in
· clearly and independently explain selected issues, positions and arguments.
· describe concepts, theories and arguments in their textual context in a precise and well-documented way.
· contextualize a philosophical text in political philosophy and its historical and systematic context.
· use bibliographic search tools and other relevant tools to analyze and describe and discuss a problem.
Competences in
· collaborating on oral presentation of a problem in political philosophy.
collaborating on oral feedback on an oral presentation of a problem in political philosophy.
The teaching material will consist of central and influential research articles in the field of political philosophy, supplemented by textbooks, anthologies, and encyclopedia articles.
- Kategori
- Timer
- Holdundervisning
- 82
- Forberedelse (anslået)
- 322,5
- I alt
- 404,5
- Point
- 15 ECTS
- Prøveform
- Mundtlig prøvePrøveform: Fri mundtlig prøve med materiale under forudsætning af aktiv undervisningsdeltagelse.
et omfang på ½ - 3 normalsider hver.
Yderligere oplysninger om den aktive undervisningsdeltagelse kan ses i kur-susbeskrivelsen.
Omfang: 30 minutter inklusiv votering. Der gives ingen forberedelse. Materi-alet består af en synopsis på maks. 3 normalsider. Materialet vægter med 25 % i bedømmelsen.
Bedømmelse: Ekstern prøve bedømt efter 7-trins-skalaen. Aktiv undervis-ningsdeltagelse godkendes af underviseren.
Gruppeprøve: Den mundtlige prøve kan kun aflægges individuelt, men ma-terialet kan udarbejdes i grupper på maks. 3 studerende. Materialets omfang er uafhængigt af, om det udarbejdes individuelt eller i gruppe.
Eksaminationssprog: Dansk eller engelsk.
Tilladte hjælpemidler: Til selve eksaminationen må kun medbringes synopsis samt evt. handout på maks. 1 side produceret af den studerende. - Krav til indstilling til eksamen
In order to qualify for the oral exam, the student must have passed at least 8 of 10 written exercises answered in groups.
- Hjælpemidler
- Kun visse hjælpemidler tilladt
Tilladte hjælpemidler: Til selve eksaminationen må kun medbringes synopsis samt evt. handout på maks. 1 side produceret af den studerende.
- Bedømmelsesform
- 7-trins skala
- Sprog
- Engelsk - Delvist på dansk.
- Kursuskode
- HFIB00831U
- Point
- 15 ECTS
- Niveau
- BachelorBachelor tilvalg,Kandidatsidefag
- Varighed
- 1 semester
- Placering
- Forår
- Studienævn
- Studienævnet for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling
Udbydende institut
- Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling
Udbydende fakultet
- Det Humanistiske Fakultet
- Mikko Salmela (mikko.salmela@hum.ku.dk)
Mikko Salmela & Kristian Højer Toft