HDAK00246U DAN; Digital Philology. Creating dynamic, interactive text editions

Årgang 2016/2017
Engelsk titel

Digital Philology


In this course we will discuss questions of theoretical, methodological and practical nature with relevance for the creation of interactive (dynamic) digital editions. We will discuss the concept of digital editions (and how they differ from their printed counterpart), and the students will gain first-hand experience with producing such editions.

A substantial part of the course will be of technical nature. We will look at how to annotate primary sources to enable computational processing of the sources and how to actually process them. This includes a practical and fairly thorough introduction to programming in JavaScript. We will start from scratch, so prior programming experience is not required.

The course will enable the students to create digital editions with advanced, dynamic interfaces, including the display and presentation of the text in various ways, the implementation of advanced search functionality (including KWIC concordances) and linking (e.g. between image zones and parts of the transcription as well as linking to external resources like online dictionaries).

The programming skills acquired should prove useful in many other contexts, e.g. within the growing field of Digital Humanities.

An example of an advanced digital edition produced by a student as part of a similar course taught in 2015 can be seen at https://notendur.hi.is/mjm7/.

Some references:

 - Deegan & Sutherland (ed.) 2009. Text Editing, Print and the Digital World.

 - C. M. Sperberg-McQueen. 2009. "How to teach your edition how to swim". In Lit

   Linguist Computing (2009) 24 (1): 27-39.

 - Pierazzo, Elena (2009). "A Rationale of Digital Documentary Editions". In Lit

   Linguist Computing (2011) 26 (4): 463-477.

 - Haverbeke, Marijn. Eloquent JavaScript. A Modern Introduction to Javascript.

   2nd Edition (http:/​/​eloquentjavascript.net).

 - Myers, Mark /A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript/. An e-book.

 - Haugen, Odd Einar (ed.) (2008). The Menota handbook: Guidelines for the

   electronic encoding of Medieval Nordic primary sources (http:/​/​menota.org/​HB2_index.xml).



The course will to some extent be case oriented with a hands-on approach, and at the end of the course the students are expected to produce a digital edition of a short text and reflect on the nature of their edition.
  • Kategori
  • Timer
  • Eksamensforberedelse
  • 160,5
  • Holdundervisning
  • 42
  • Undervisningsforberedelse
  • 210
  • I alt
  • 412,5
Mundtlig prøve
Oral exam with synopsis, optional subject