ASOK22205U Contemporary Economic Sociology: Frameworks and Applications
MA elective course
From Spring 2023 the course is also offered to students at:
- Master Programmes in Global Development
- Master Programme in Social Data Science
- Master Programmes in Anthropology
- Master Programmes in Economics
Enrolled students can register the course directly through the
Selfservice a KUnet without a preapproval.
Please contact the study administration at each programme for
questions regarding registration.
Course package:
Welfare, inequality and mobility
Knowledge, organisation and politics
Culture, lifestyle and everyday life
The course serves to introduce participants to the sub-discipline of Economic Sociology and discuss how this field is related both to other branches of sociology and to economics. The course will introduce to core concepts and approaches in contemporary economic sociology, in particular to sociological perspectives on markets, money and the social embeddedness of these phenomena. The course also aims to train students in analysing different types of social and economic phenomena by means of economic sociological concepts and theories.
The course is structured around the reading of Mark Granovetter’s 2017 book ‘Society and Economy – Framework and Principles’, which in an exemplary fashion rehearses many of the key concepts in contemporary economic sociology.
We will read the book in its entirety (ca. 200 pages) and supplement the readings with research papers that exemplifies some of the issues dealt with in the book and/or supplements with additional concepts and perspectives in economic sociology.
In parallel with the reading of course literature, students will be expected to develop an economic sociological analysis of a case of their own choosing, applying and discussing core concepts in economic sociology.
On successful completion of the course, the student is able to:
- account for central concepts and theories from economic sociology covered in the course syllabus and how they relate to each other
- identify and discuss strengths and weaknesses in how the approaches introduced in the curriculum facilitate analysis of the interplay between societal conditions and economic activities in contemporary societies
- assess the strength and weaknesses of the different approached covered in the course syllabus in relation to concrete empirical phenomena
- select appropriate concepts and theories from economic sociology in order describe and analyse concrete empirical phenomena of an economic character, broadly understood
- apply the theoretical perspectives to analyse concrete empirical phenomena of an economic nature - broadly understood - in contemporary society
- convincingly present economic sociological concepts, theories and analyses related to economic phenomena in an appropriate format, orally and in writing
- Critically discuss strengths and weaknesses of own work related to economic phenomena, broadly understood, based on the content of the course syllabus
The course will be organised around a reading of_
Mark Granovetter (2019) ‘Society and Economy – Frameworks and Principles’, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
In addition to this book a compendium of research papers will be prepared. The total currriulum will be around 600 pages
- Category
- Hours
- Lectures
- 28
- Preparation
- 138
- Exam Preparation
- 40
- Total
- 206
The course will entail three rounds of peer-feedback on student projects organised as trio-exchange.
The course will entail a ‘mini-conference’, where the course instructor and fellow students will discuss student presentations.
Registration deadline for courses is June 1st for
Autumn semester and December 1st for Spring semester.
Registration deadline for Summer school is June 1st.
The ordinary period for registration for Summer courses is from
November 15th to December 1st.
If the course is full after this period, it will NOT be offered for
registration again, in the extra period for registration from May
15th to June 1st.
When registered you will be signed up for exam.
International exchange students must sign up by filling in an
course registration.
Credit students: klik her
- Credit
- 7,5 ECTS
- Type of assessment
- Written assignment
- Type of assessment details
- Individual/group.
Free written take-home essays are assignments for which students define and formulate a problem within the parameters of the course and based on an individual exam syllabus. The free written take-home essay must be no longer than 10 pages. For group assignments, an extra 5 pages is added per additional student. Further details for this exam form can be found in the Curriculum and in the General Guide to Examinations at KUnet. - Exam registration requirements
Credit students must be at master level.
- Aid
- All aids allowed
- Marking scale
- 7-point grading scale
- Censorship form
- No external censorship
- Exam period
Find more information on your study page at KUnet.
Exchange students and Danish full degree guest students please see the homepage of Sociology; and
- Re-exam
If the re-exam is taken during the ordinary exam period: see ordinary exam form
If the re-exam is taken during the re-exam period:
Free written take-home essays are assignments for which students define and formulate a problem within the parameters of the course and based on an individual exam syllabus. The free written take-home essay must be no longer than 10 pages. For group assignments, an extra 5 pages is added per additional student. Further details for this exam form can be found in the Curriculum and in the General Guide to Examinations at KUnet.
Abovementioned applies to course registrations in Spring 2023 and onward.
If you have been registered for the course before Spring 2023, please write to the study administration:
This is an elective course. We can only guarantee that the exam can be taken during the 3 immediate exam periods after the course has ended.
Criteria for exam assesment
Please see the learning outcome
Course information
- Language
- English
- Course code
- ASOK22205U
- Credit
- 7,5 ECTS
- Level
- Full Degree MasterFull Degree Master choice
- Duration
- 1 semester
- Placement
- Spring
- Schedule
- See timetable.
Study board
- Department of Sociology, Study Council
Contracting departments
- Department of Sociology
- Department of Anthropology
- Social Data Science
- Department of Economics
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Social Sciences
Course Coordinators
- Janus Porsild Hansen (2-716f477a766a35727c356b72)
Janus Hansen, e-mail: