ASOK15103U Advanced Welfare, Inequality and Mobility

Volume 2024/2025

Mandatory MA course 1. Semester
MA Sociology 2015

Credit students must be at master level.
Exchange students at both bachelor and master level can sign up for this course.

Course package (MSc 2015):
Velfærd, ulighed og mobilitet / Welfare, Inequality and Mobility


This is a compulsory course for the course package "Welfare inequality and Mobility"

This specialization provides knowledge of the Danish welfare model and policy, including knowledge of this model's distinctive features in comparison with other models, and the challenges of increased globalization and individualization. Emphasis is placed on the distribution of welfare in relation to, inter alia, income, education, labor market attachment, health and consumption. Specialization provides knowledge about welfare at the individual level, across generations (eg social and economic mobility) and at the macro level (eg social cohesion). Specialization focuses on welfare distribution in relation to, inter alia, class, gender, age and ethnicity, as it deals with the consequences of failure welfare in different parts of the population. Specialization discusses relations between welfare and labour market models in Denmark and in other countries. Specialization focuses on analyzing conditions and living conditions of both the so-called standard population and for vulnerable groups such as the poor, long-term unemployed and socially marginalized families and individuals. The teaching focuses on understanding how social factors affect communities and individuals' welfare , and how individual circumstances and choices can affect the situation of each person or group is in. The specialization offers insights into how specific welfare policies affect people's living conditions, and how the ' system' meets public/users in various forms of welfare provision.


Learning Outcome


Upon finishing the course, the student will have knowledge of

 - the core sociological research literature within the thematic field of Welfare, Inequality and Mobility

- the Danish welfare system, including the labour market, welfare institutions, educational systems, mobility patterns and other central areas within the welfare area.



This will give the students the ability to 

- thoroughly compare and contrast key theoretical perspectives that are central to the wider MA specialization in Welfare, Inequality and Mobility

- identify significant historical and contemporary developments in the field

- identify and distinguish between different types of welfare models

- make comparative analyses with reference to different societies, including labour markets, social stratification, welfare state models, types of social benefit systems, institutions etc.. 



Based on the work with papers during the course, the students will develop competences in 

- applying central concepts from the literature

- making theoretical and comparative embedded inquiries into issues within the thematic field of Welfare, Inequality and Mobility.


A Readear plus material posted via Absalon. The curriculum will contain around 1400 pages.


Teaching will be organised as lectures combined with different types of studentpresentation. Students are expected to work on minor assigments during the course. A high level of studentinvolvement is expected.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 56
  • Preparation
  • 321
  • Exam
  • 35
  • Total
  • 412
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Type of assessment
Portfolio, -
Oral defence, -
Type of assessment details
Individual or group (max 4 students).
A portfolio assignment is defined as a series of short assignments during the course that address one or more set questions and feedback is offered during the course.
All of the assignments are submitted together for assessment at the end of the course.
The assignment does have an oral defence after hand-in.
The portfolio assignments must be no longer than 20 pages. For group assignments, an extra 15 pages is added per additional student. Further details for this exam form can be found in the Curriculum and in the General Guide to Examinations at KUnet.
Exam registration requirements

You need to be registered for the course.You need to be registered for the course.

Only certain aids allowed

Ved mundtlige prøver med synopsis samt porteføljeopgaver med mundtlig prøve må den studerende medbringe en printet kopi af deres synopsis eller aflevering til eksamen. Under den indledende præsentation har den studerende lov til at anvende et præsentationsmanuskript eller præsentationsslides. Eksaminator kan godkende ekstra materiale.


The Department of Sociology prohibits the use of generative AI software and large language models (AI/LLMs), such as ChatGPT, for generating novel and creative content in written exams. However, students may use AI/LLMs to enhance the presentation of their own original work, such as text editing, argument validation, or improving statistical programming code. Students must disclose in an appendix if and how AI/LLMs were used; this appendix will not count toward the page limit of the exam. This policy is in place to ensure that students’ written exams accurately reflect their own knowledge and understanding of the material. All students are required to include an AI declaration in their exam submissions regardless of whether they have used generative AI software or not. This declaration should be placed as the last page of the exam submission. Please note that the AI statement is not included in the calculation of the overall length of your assignment. The template for the AI statement can be found in the Digital Exam system and on the Study Pages on KUnet under “Written exam”. Exams that do not declare if and how AI/LLMs were used will be administratively rejected and counted as one exam attempt.

Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
External censorship
Exam period

Find more information on your study page at KUnet.

Exchange students and Danish full degree guest students please see the homepage of Sociology; under Education --> Exams



Written take-home essay with oral defence examination.

Individual or group.

The students are required to formulate their own exam questions based on pre-defined guidelines provided by the teacher. The teacher is required to provide at least two exemplary exam questions that adhere to the guidelines.

Criteria for exam assesment

Please see learning outcome