APSK15110U Arbejds- og organisationspsykologi - Seminarhold

Årgang 2019/2020
Engelsk titel

Work and Organizational Psychology - Seminar class


Følgende seminarholdudbydes  i efteråret 2019 og foråret 2020

Seminarhold 1: Paul Conway - The psychosocial work environment, stress and organisational behaviour: issues in assessment and intervention.

Work and Organisational Psychology studies the relationship between individuals, work and organisations, as well as the assessment of, intervention in and evaluation of the organisational, group and individual demands and opportunities associated with mastering the functions of an organisation.

The objectives of the module in Work and Organisational Psychology are to provide students with an advanced introduction to theory and practices in relation to working conditions and forms of groups and organisations, as well as methods of management that promote individual and organisational skills enhancement, performance and well-being.

Which factors of the psychosocial work environment lead to stress, low work engagement and negative organizational behaviour? And which ones lead to positive outcomes instead? How to assess the psychosocial work environment in work organisations, and how to design successful intervention processes and evaluate their effectiveness?

These are common questions facing occupational psychologists as they deal with issues related to the psychosocial work environment and its impact on employees’ health and well-being. The aim of this seminar is to introduce students to theories, methods and procedures that can be used to assess and manage the psychosocial work environment in organisations.  

Key topics addressed by the course are:

  • Theoretical and methodological approaches to the understanding of different types of job demands and job resources, and their differential impact on health, well-being and organizational behaviour;
  • Theoretical and practical approaches to occupational health assessment and intervention; 
  • Theoretical and methodological approaches to the evaluation of occupational health interventions.


Through the analysis of specific problems and cases, the students will be introduced to the challenges of translating theory into practice while dealing with real work scenarios.  

Active participation:

Students are expected to actively participate in the different learning activities proposed during the course. Cases will be worked through in small groups and presented in class. Preparation on the assigned literature is recommended prior to each class.
The three assignments consist of papers wherein theories, methods and procedures learned during the course are used to analyse specific problems relevant to the course’s theme. Each student must also provide feedback to one assignment prepared by another peer.


Overordnet mål for læringsudbytte

Ved afslutning af modulet skal den studerende kunne beskrive, diskutere og anvende centrale begreber og metoder analytisk med henblik på at kunne forstå og anvende principperne bag udvikling, implementering og evaluering af psykologiske processer og interventioner indenfor det arbejds- og organisationspsykologiske område.

Mål for læringsudbytte ved Seminarhold

Den studerende kan ved afslutning af Seminarholdet:

  • Udvikle en arbejds- og/eller organisationspsykologisk begrundet problemstilling, der involverer relevante udrednings- og/eller interventionsmetoder, i forhold til en given/et givet arbejdsog/ eller organisationspsykologisk case/oplag.
  • Udvælge arbejds- og/eller organisationspsykologisk psykologisk teori, empiri og udrednings og/eller interventionsmetoder af relevans for problemstillingen, og forholde sig nuanceret ogkritisk hertil.
  • Udarbejde en sammenæangende analyse af den arbejds- og/eller organisationspsykologiske problemstilling og de mulige udrednings- og/eller interventionsmetoder i forhold til denne.
  • Diskutere implikationerne og relevansen af de anvendte teorier og mulige udrednings- og/eller interventionsmetoder, bl.a. med fokus pa Individuelle, organisatoriske og evt. øvrige kontekstbetingede forhold, der kan pavirke analysen af problemstillingen.
  • Reflektere over psykologfaglige og etiske spørgsmal, der knytter sig til problemstillingen og de mulige interventioner.

600 siders obligatorisk samt 200 siders selvvalgt litteratur


  • Kategori
  • Timer
  • Seminarhold
  • 30
  • I alt
  • 30
Løbende feedback i undervisningsforløbet
7,5 ECTS
se eksamensbestemmelser under kursusindhold for det enkelte seminarhold.
Krav til indstilling til eksamen

Fremmøde til mindst 75 % af undervisningsgangene samt aktiv deltagelse i de fastlagte aktiviteter, opgaver, præsentationer m.v. som er beskrevet under kursusindhold for de enkelte seminarhold

bestået/ikke bestået
Ingen ekstern censur


se eksamensplan.



Kriterier for bedømmelse

Se "Målbeskrivelser"