SMEA15038E Exam in Otorhinolaryngology in English

Volume 2024/2025

Msc in Medicine

  • Category
  • Hours
  • Exam
  • 0,3
  • Total
  • 0,3
2,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Oral examination, 20 minutes under invigilation
Type of assessment details
20 minute oral exam, including discussion of the examinee's performance, with 20 minutes of preparation with a patient present as far as possible. Usually a patient is present and will be examined during examination.
Exam registration requirements


Without aids
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
External censorship
Criteria for exam assesment

To obtain the grade 12 the student must demonstrate the following abilities:

As medical expert, as health advocate and as professional


  • Explain the pathophysiology, including etiology and pathogenesis of common oto-rhino-laryngological diseases
  • Describe symptoms and specify test methods in the common oto-rhino-laryngological diseases
  • Explain the treatment options and prognosis of the common oto-rhino- laryngological diseases
  • Describe the epidemiology including risk factors and opportunities for prevention of the common oto-rhino- laryngological diseases
  • In detail describe an emergency tracheotomy (coniotomy) and an ordinary uncomplicated tracheotomy
  • Specifying the techniques for removing foreign bodies and treatment of epistaxis.


  • Demonstrate knowledge and skills in oto-rhino-laryngology and head and neck surgery at a level sufficient for taking up an introductory post and for specialty training in general medicine
  • Ability to independently perform basic specialty-oriented physical examinations focussing on the patient's symptom or complaint
  • Perform the basic examination methods of the specialty including:
    • Use of head torch
    • Otoscopy including Weber's and Rinne's test, whispered and speaking voice testing
    • Pneumatic otoscopy
    • Anterior rhinoscopy
    • Examination of the cavum oris incl. bimanual palpation
    • Indirect laryngoscopy
    • Palpation of the face and neck
    • Examine cranial nerve functions
    • Nystagamus using Bartels glasses
    • Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre
    • Balance specific neurological examinations (proprioception, fine motor skills and Romberg)
  • By inspection and palpation to detect fractures in the facial skeleton
  • Reading a simple audiogram and tympanogram
  • Be able to perform ear irrigation and fine-needle aspiration


  • Independently diagnose and treat life- or function-threatening conditions within oto-rhino-laryngology and head and neck surgery
  • Diagnose and treat common acute and chronic diseases of the ear, nose, sinuses, cavum oris, pharynx, larynx and soft throat tissue
  • Diagnose and treat upper respiratory passage obstructions in children and adults.