SKBK18001U Pharmacometrics
MSc Programme in Quantitative Biology and Disease Modelling - mandatory in the Technological Specialization
MSc Programme in Medicinal Chemistry - elective
MSc Programme in Pharmacy (Danish programme cand.pharm) - elective
MSc Programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Danish programme cand.scient.pharm) - restricted elective
MSc Programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences (English programme) - restricted elective
Lectures will be covering:
Subjects related to a clinical setting such therapeutic regimens, dose-time-effect relationships, therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), dose adjustments, missed dose and dosing in special patient groups as children and elderly patients.
Subjects related to early drug development such as PK-PD relationships, effect at receptor and ion channel level and other effect measurements (such as changes in the level of biomarkers and other endogenous hormones or enzymes).
Subjects related to clinical trials, as trial designs, the many aspect of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variability, population PKPD modelling methods, and simulation of PK-PD relationships.
Computer sessions for pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling using the programs Phoenix WinNonlin, Berkeley Madonna and Microsoft Excel.
The aim of the course to give the students a thorough understanding and hands-on competences of pharmacometric (i.e. pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics) methods as it is used in all phases of the drug development process, in the clinical settings and in the regulatory decision making process.
At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:
- demonstrate knowledge of pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) in the individual as well as the population.
- understand how to calculate PK and PD parameters and use them in a quantitative description of the interaction between a drug and the body over time.
- obtain knowledge on variability in patient populations.
- obtain insight and hands-on experience with pharmacokinetic and –dynamic data analysis, based on different examples of plasma concentration-time course linked to therapeutic response.
- obtain experience with the modelling software Phoenix WinNonlin and Microsoft Excel for data analysis.
- apply knowledge on variability in patient populations to a PKPD analysis that can be used to describe variability in response in different patient segments in the clinic and in drug research.
- design dosing strategies in different clinical situations based on their knowledge about PKPD (e.g. taking variations such as demographics, organ function, pharmacogenetics, co-morbidity and interactions into account).
- Adjust dosing on individual level to different patients (precision dosing) based on demographics and laboratory values as drug plasma concentration, assessment of renal function based on measurement of creatinine clearance (CrCl), serum creatinine (sCr) and/or cystatin C and estimation of GFR (eGFR)
- design and analyze experiments for drug research and development based on their knowledge about PKPD
- contribute to design and analysis of clinical PKPD studies based on their knowledge about PKPD
- M. Rowland and T. Tozer, Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, ed. 5, 2020
- Notes and lecture hand-outs available on the course homepage
Tutorials/computer sessions: 16 hours
- Category
- Hours
- Lectures
- 20
- Preparation
- 167
- Theory exercises
- 16
- Exam
- 3
- Total
- 206
Oral feedback will be given at tutorials and computer excercises
Open for credit transfer students and other external students. Apply here:
Credit transfer students:
Credit transfer student at SUND – University of Copenhagen (
Other external students:
Credit transfer and other external students are welcomed on the course if there are seats available and they have the academic qualifications.
- Credit
- 7,5 ECTS
- Type of assessment
- On-site written exam, 3 hours under invigilation
- Type of assessment details
- Examiners: Course teachers
- Aid
- Written aids allowed
Permitted aids: Textbooks, all written course material from the homepage.
There is access to the following at the exam in KUs exam houses:
- R – Statistical programme
- MathType formel programme
- Maple
Digital Notes (It is allowed to upload notes for the ITX exam via digital exam. You will find a link to this feature from your exam in Digital Exam).
Find more information about written on-site exams in the exam rooms, incl. information about standard programs on the exam PCs at KUnet: MSc in Quantitative Biology and Disease Modelling - KUnet
- Marking scale
- 7-point grading scale
- Censorship form
- No external censorship
Criteria for exam assesment
To achieve the grade 12 the student must be able to:
- demonstrate knowledge of pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) in the individual as well as the population
- understand how to calculate PK and PD parameters and use them in a quantitative description of the interaction between a drug and the body over time.
- obtain knowledge on variability in patient populations
- obtain insight and hands-on experience with pharmacokinetic and –dynamic data analysis, based on different examples of plasma concentration-time course linked to therapeutic response.
- obtain experience with the modelling software Phoenix WinNonlin and Microsoft Excel for data analysis.
- apply knowledge on variability in patient populations to a PKPD analysis that can be used to describe variability in response in different patient segments and in drug research and illustrate development within the pharmaceutical industry.
- design dosing strategies in different clinical situations based on their knowledge about PKPD (e.g. taking variations such as demographics, organfunction, pharmacogenetics, comobidity and interactions into account).
- design experiments for the drug research and development based on their knowledge about PKPD
Course information
- Language
- English
- Course code
- SKBK18001U
- Credit
- 7,5 ECTS
- Level
- Full Degree MasterFull Degree Master choice
- Duration
- 1 semester
- Placement
- Autumn
OBS! Kurset udbydes i blok 1, da det samlæses med andre uddannelser
- Schedule
- A
- Course capacity
- 54 students
Study board
- Study board from DTU
Contracting department
- Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Course Coordinators
- Trine Meldgaard Lund (
Trine Meldgaard Lund
Majid Sheykhzade
Uffe Kristiansen