NNEK24002U The Scandinavian Sport Model - Past, Present and Future

Volume 2025/2026

MSc Programme in Humanities and Social Sport Sciences


Scandinavian sport is characterized by its embeddedness in civil society associations and reliance on voluntarism. Historically, other sectors of society such as the educational system and the for-profit market have played secondary roles. Furthermore, within the population of Scandinavian societies a relative high number engage regularly in sport and physical exercise activities. However, this picture is about to change as commercial providers gradually expand, new political interests are articulated, and some socio-economic groups are less inclined towards sport and physical activity. Furthermore, despite a shared history related to a Scandinavian welfare state model political and organizational differences and similarities regarding the role of sport in Sweden, Denmark and Norway exist.

Therefore, this course introduces the historical development of organized sport and exercise in Scandinavia. It illustrates and debates the current state and organization of sport and exercise, and exposes future tendencies, development potentials as well as constraints for the Scandinavian sport model. Simultaneously, this knowledge will be compared to national contexts beyond Scandinavia.

Learning Outcome


The student gains research based knowledge about the historical background of the organization of Scandinavian sports. The student can demonstrate knowledge regarding the current state of sport and exercise in Scandinavia, and achieves insights into future challenges, potentials and constraints facing sport and exercise in Scandinavia for instance by looking at the roles of the educational system and the commercial market.  


The student will be able to use skills based on research based literature to identify and analyze historical and political backgrounds of Scandinavian sports. The student is able to systematically compare the past, present and future organization of Scandinavian sport and exercise, thereby generating insights into future challenges and possibilities of the Scandinavian model. 


Based on obtained knowledge and skills the students will be able to gain competencies to critically reflect on the past, present and future role of Scandinavian sport. Hereby the student will have the competency to develop a deeper understanding and relate this to other national settings beyond a Scandinavian context. 

Scientific articles and book chapters solely written in English. Small cases for group work and peer discussions will also be introduced. Short digital lectures and/or podcasts introducing course literature and supporting the case works will be available for course participants. More details will be announced prior to initiation of the course.  

Bachelor’s degree in human or social sciences, Physical Education or Sport Studies.
Ability to read and speak English. Basic interest in the social sciences.
The course runs solely as digital e-learning. Lectures will either be accessible as short videos and/or podcasts thereby providing some flexibility for students as these can be activated when it is suitable for the participants. Student participants are expected to join interactive lectures (exercises) of 2*45 minutes mostly consisting of case studies. Students shall therefore be prepared to work in groups of 4 or 5 persons to ensure verbal interaction in English, peer discussion, knowledge sharing, and debates related to the cases. Information on and access to cases for the group work will be available prior to the lectures. Group work and case studies will be facilitated and supervised by the course coordinator.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Preparation
  • 118
  • E-Learning
  • 27
  • Guidance
  • 1
  • Exam Preparation
  • 59
  • Exam
  • 1
  • Total
  • 206
Not relevant
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Oral exam on basis of previous submission, 15 minutes (excl. votation).
Type of assessment details
Individual written synopsis of a maximum of 5 pages followed by an oral examination of 15 minutes (excl. votation).

In order to acces the oral exam the submission (individual synopsis) must be submitted
All aids allowed except Generative AI
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Several internal examiners.

Same as the ordinary exam.

The requirements for registration must be fulfilled before re-exam. Synopsis submitted previously can be reused.


Criteria for exam assesment

In order to obtain the grade 12 the student should convincingly and accurately demonstrate the knowledge, skills and competences described under Learning Outcome.