JJUB57007U International Law
The course provides the students with an understanding of the nature and function of the international legal system, including its relationship with national legal systems. It develops the students’ ability to solve specific problems by identifying, interpreting and applying rules and principles of international law. Moreover, the course provides the students with the necessary skills to recognize and assess complex matters of international law in a broader legal and political context.
The teaching, which comprises both lectures and seminars, covers:
- Foundation and structure of the international legal system
- Relationship between international and national law
- Sources of international law, including introduction to the databases of the ICJ and the ILC
- Law of treaties
- Actors in the international legal system
- Jurisdiction
- Immunity of states and state representatives, including diplomats and consuls
- State responsibility
- International law of the sea
- Peaceful settlement of disputes
- International regulation of the use of force
- Law of armed conflict
- International criminal law
To obtain the grade of 12, the student must be able to
- Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of international law and the structure of the international legal system
- Apply various theories of international law to concrete issues
- Identify answers to concrete questions by applying the different sources of international law
- Apply the law of treaties, including the principles of treaty interpretation, to concrete cases
- Apply the principles of state responsibility to concrete cases
- Apply rules and principles relating to state sovereignty, jurisdiction, and immunity to concrete cases
- Identify solutions for the peaceful settlement of international disputes
- Identify answers to specific issues regulated by the law of the sea
- Apply international legal regulation, principally from the UN Charter, to concrete examples of the use of armed force
- Identify answers to specific issues regulated by the law of armed conflict
- Identify answers to specific issues regulated by international
criminal law
The teaching provides the students with the skills needed to assess, independently and critically, concrete issues of international law and to reflect, in a balanced and insightful manner, on the inherent tensions within the international legal system as well as on the role of international law as a body of norms at the crossroads between law and politics. Teaching integrates digitalization tools and invites students to reflect on the role and impact of digitalization on questions of international law.
Anders Henriksen, International Law, 4. edition , Oxford University Press (2023)
Chapters 1-8
Chapters 12-15
Additional literature will be available on Absalon
Total number of pages: Approx. 250-260
It is illegal to share digital textbooks with each other without permission from the copyright holder.
- Category
- Hours
- Lectures
- 10
- Preparation
- 99,5
- Seminar
- 28
- Total
- 137,5
- Credit
- 5 ECTS
- Type of assessment
- On-site written exam under invigilation
- Type of assessment details
- Prøven er en 6 timers skriftlig eksamen med opsyn (tegnmaksimum 11.700, ekskl. mellemrum) / Written exam, 6 hours with invigilation. The scope must not exceed 11,700 keystrokes, excl. spaces).
- Aid
- Only certain aids allowed
Følgende hjemmesider er tilladt at tilgå under eksamen:
Digitaleksamen: www.eksamen.ku.dk
Skat: www.skat.dk
Skatteministeriet: www.skm.dk
Folketinget: www.ft.dk
Retsinformation: www.retsinformation.dk
Karnov: www.karnovgroup.dk
Gyldendals ordbøger: www.ordbogen.com
EUR-Lex: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/homepage.html
Folketingstidende: www.folketingstidende.dkDuring the exam, students will not be able to access the Absalon-page for the course. Prior the exam, students should therefore upload to their computer whatever relevant materials are found on Absalon (treaties etc.). Students can of course also bring print-outs of those materials, if they prefer.
Læs en beskrivelse af de enkelte eksamensformer, herunder formkrav, omfang og frister i eksamenskataloget
Læs om praktiske eksamensforhold på KUnet
---------------------------------------------Read about the descriptions of the individual exam forms, including formal requirements, scope and deadlines in the exam catalogue
Read about practical exam conditions at KUnet - Marking scale
- 7-point grading scale
- Censorship form
- No external censorship
- Exam period
December 17th, 2024
- Re-exam
January 27th, 2025
Course information
- Language
- English
- Course code
- JJUB57007U
- Credit
- 5 ECTS
- Level
- Bachelor
- Duration
- 1 semester
- Placement
- Autumn
- Schedule
- Please see timetable for teachingtime
Study board
- Law
Contracting department
- Law
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Law
Course Coordinators
- Amnon Lev (9-6470717271316f6879436d7875316e7831676e)
- Astrid Kjeldgaard-Pedersen (26-637576746b66306d6c676e6669636374662f7267666774756770426c7774306d7730666d)
- Ole Ivar Vanman (10-537069325a6572716572446e7976326f7932686f)
- Marc Schack (11-726677683378686d666870456f7a7733707a336970)