HTOB0100FU Cancelled Cross-Cultural Aspects and Contexts of Danish Society (F24)
- Curriculum for BA Elective in Comparative Cultural Studies 2019
- Curriculum for MA Elective in Comparative Cultural Studies 2019
Aspects and Contexts of Danish Society is a course in English designed to introduce international students to many of the ideas and concepts, past and present, that have influenced the formation of Danish society (and Scandinavia) and its cultural life. The course explores different aspects of Danish culture and society from a variety of angles, combining approaches from history, anthropology, cultural and urban studies.
The topics include the Scandinavia as a nation in the contact zone; the colonial legacies and educational systems in Denmark; the welfare state and its ‘old’ and ‘new’ minorities; multiculturalism and Danish model(s) of religion as well as Danish international influence in contemporary design, cinema and architecture.
At the same time as learning about the history and current aspects of Danish society, students will be introduced to qualitative methodology and encouraged to consider the phenomena they are presented with from a comparative and cross-cultural angle as well as to reflect upon how different ideas and belief systems can shape basic social and political institutions. We will pay particular attention to the ways in which Danish assumptions may differ from those of the students’ home cultures and the methods by means of which we can study and analyse them.
Students will learn how to discuss and analyse social and cultural phenomena in well-informed, critical, and responsibly engaged ways. To this end, lectures and seminars will be combined with group work and group assignments.
BA Elective 2019-Curriculum
Thematic Topic in Comparative Cultural Studies A (Activity
code HKKB10241E)
Thematic Topic in Comparative Cultural Studies B (Activity
code HKKB10251E)
MA Elective 2019-Curriculum
Thematic Specialized Topic in Comparative Cultural Studies A
(Activity code HKKK13021E)
Thematic Specialized Topic in Comparative Cultural Studies B
(Activity code HKKK13022E)
Exchange students BA level:
Thematic Topic in Comparative Cultural Studies A (Activity
code HKKB10241E)
Exchange students MA level:
Thematic Specialized Topic in Comparative Cultural Studies A
(Activity code HKKK13021E)
Course literature will be announced later.
Curriculum in Danish:
- Category
- Hours
- Lectures
- 84
- Preparation
- 328,5
- Total
- 412,5
Tilmelding til KA-tilvalg:
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Find vejledning og ansøgningsskema her.
- Credit
- 15 ECTS
- Type of assessment
- Other
Criteria for exam assesment
Curriculum in Danish:
- Credit
- 15 ECTS
- Type of assessment
- Other
Criteria for exam assesment
Thematic Topic in Comparative Cultural Studies A
Academic targets
At the examination, the student can demonstrate:
Knowledge of:
- a specifically studied topic within an academic thematic subject area of comparative cultural studies
- humanistic and social-science understandings and concepts related to comparative cultural studies.
Skills in
- defining an issue relating to a cross-cultural theme or delimited empirical field
- applying an analytical approach to the illumination of the issue in question and in terms of the chosen theme or specific empirical conditions and processes based on comparative cultural studies
- stating the grounds for the theoretical approach and concepts.
Competencies in
- searching for relevant literature and other material for use in the specific societal and cultural analysis
- planning and conducting an independent academic analysis of a selected problem area with the inclusion of empirical data
- structuring and communicating an assignment in compliance with academic requirements and standards
An instructor entitled to conduct examinations specifies a syllabus
of 900-1,000 standard pages.
Teaching and working methods
Class instruction with active student participation.
Exam provisions
Form of exam: Take-home assignment on set subject.
Scope: 6-10 standard pages. The students are given 7 days to prepare.
Assessment: Internal exam with a single examiner with assessment based on the 7-point grading scale.
Regulations for group exams: The exam can only be taken individually.
Exam language(s): Danish or English.
Permitted exam aids: All.
Make-up exam/resit: Conducted in the same manner as the ordinary exam.
- Credit
- 15 ECTS
- Type of assessment
- Other
Criteria for exam assesment
Thematic Specialized Topic in Comparative Cultural Studies A
Academic targets
At the examination, the student can demonstrate:
Knowledge of:
- a specifically studied topic within an academic thematic subject area of comparative cultural studies
- humanistic and social-science understandings and concepts related to comparative cultural studies.
Skills in
- defining an issue relating to a cross-cultural theme or delimited empirical field
- applying an analytical approach to a critical elucidation of the issue in question and in relation to the chosen theme, or
- specific empirical factors and processes based on the theories and methods of comparative cultural studies
- stating the grounds for the theoretical approach and concepts at an advanced level.
Competencies in
- independently identifying relevant literature and other material for use in the specific societal and cultural analysis
- planning and conducting an independent academic analysis of a selected problem area with the inclusion of empirical data
- independently structuring and communicating an assignment in compliance with academic requirements and standards
The student specifies 1,200-1,300 standard pages, which are to be used in the assignment and which are thus apparent from the bibliography.
Scope of the syllabus for group examination: 1,800-1,950 standard pages (2 students) and 2,400-2,600 standard pages (3 students).
Teaching and working methods
Class instruction with active student participation.
Exam provisions
Form of exam: Take-home assignment, optional subject.
Scope: 11-15 standard pages.
Assessment: Internal exam with a single examiner with assessment based on the 7-point grading scale.
Regulations for group exams: The exam can be taken individually or as a group (max. 3 students) with individual assessment. If several students work together on an assignment, each individual contribution must constitute a distinct unit that can be identified and assessed separately. The joint part must not exceed 50% of the total.
Scope of take-home assignments for group exams: 16-22 standard pages (2 students) or 21-29 standard pages (3 students).
Exam language(s): Danish or English.
Permitted exam aids: All.
Make-up exam/resit: Conducted in the same manner as the ordinary exam.
Course information
- Language
- English
- Course code
- HTOB0100FU
- Credit
- See exam description
- Level
- BachelorBachelor choice,Full Degree Master choice
- Duration
- 1 semester
- Placement
- Spring
- Schedule
- See link below
Study board
- Study Board of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
Contracting department
- Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
Contracting faculty
- Faculty of Humanities
Course Coordinators
- Vera Skvirskaja (6-6466733a3a35426a776f306d7730666d)
Vera Skvirskaja,
Questions about the course can be addressed to leader of study
programme Frank Sejersen,