HKAK03211U KL. ARK Klassisk arkæologisk tema 1 - Introduction to Maritime Archaeology in the Mediterranean

Årgang 2022/2023
Engelsk titel

KL. ARK Classical Archaeology - Introduction to Maritime Archaeology in the Mediterranean


Klassisk Arkæologi


Aim is to present up-to-date theories, methods, research agendas, and issues within maritime archaeology, using the Greco-Roman Mediterranean as a basis. This region provides very detailed source material as it is one of the key starting points for the field, and has since been a proving ground for a majority of its developments.

Module A:  Introduction

              1. Introduction to Maritime Archaeology (definitions, general practice, course overview)

2. History of the practice in the Mediterranean (how do we know what we know? How the field has changes since its inception? Why, what, when, who, where)

Module B: Methods

              3. Theory: Approaches to different site types, materials, resulting datasets

              4. Coastal survey, diving, and remote sensing (marine, aerial, terrestrial)

5. Geomorphology and hydrology (understanding marine and coastal processes, archaeological and biological proxies, relative sea level, impacts of Climate Change on sites)

Module C: Finds/Datasets

              6. Ship technology / sail technology

              7. Ports / harbours / anchorages

8. Rivers, lakes and other types of coastal sites (resource extraction, resource processing, villae, shipsheds)

Module D: Analyses

              9. Photogrammetry, dendrochronology, petrography, OSL, Pb isotopes, etc.

              10. Experimental archaeology

11. Social Network Analysis, viewsheds, maritime cultural landscapes, ‘island mentality’, etc.

              12. Identity politics: ethnicity and gender / gendering of finds

Module E: Management

13. Heritage management: laws, UNESCO conventions, At-risk heritage, cultural-natural heritage, best practice, MarEA

14. Reporting and publishing: requirements, considerations, best practice

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