HIAB0110EU MIS, Anvendt Hindi - sprog B (E24)

Årgang 2024/2025
Engelsk titel

Applied Hindi B (E24)


Udbydes efter:

  • Fagstudieordning Bacheloruddannelsen i moderne Indien og sydasienstudier 2019

The main focus of the course is on training how to use texts (which can be both written and oral) as a source to work on topics and questions of a wide thematic range.

  • Activities comprise both working with texts in an analytical way (covering grammatical, semantical as well as pragmatical aspects), translating and also communicating about the themes in order to gain the ability to actively  participate in the discourses involved.

Bacheloruddannelsen i moderne Indien og sydasienstudier 2019 Anvendt hindi – sprog B (Aktivitetskode: HIAB00971E)

Lægges i Absalon ved semesterstart

kommunikativ sprogundervisning, oversættelse og tekstanalyse
  • Kategori
  • Timer
  • Forelæsninger
  • 84
  • Forberedelse (anslået)
  • 328,5
  • I alt
  • 412,5
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