HIAB0103EU Cancelled MIS, Globalization and Development in South Asia (E20)

Volume 2020/2021
  • Curriculum for the BA programme in Modern India and South Asian Studies, the 2019 Curriculum
  • Curriculum for the BA programme in Modern Indian and South Asian Studies, the 2015 Curriculum
  • Curriculum for the Elective Studies in Modern India and South Asia Studies, the 2019 Curriculum

This course turns focus on the key themes of globalization, development, modernization and neoliberal reforms that underpin the ongoing transformations in South Asia.

We will explore how the intersections of capitalism, labour and migratory flows produce the logics of economic growth, global developmental regimes, and how poverty and wealth, and inequity and inequality is produced in contemporary societies. These questions will be examined from South Asia with a particular emphasis on the axes of class, caste and gender upon which the ongoing transformations are taking shape.

The course is especially focused on the great transformation towards free-market reforms, and the ways in which these shifts produce contemporary politics and subjectivities.

Learning Outcome

BA 2019-studieordning:
Moderne Indien og sydasienstudier realia 1 (aktivitetskode HIAB00941E)

BA 2015-studieordning:
Globalisering og udvikling i Sydasien (aktivitetskode HIAB00891E)

BA Tilvalg 2019-studieordning:
Moderne Indien og sydasienstudier realia 1 (aktivitetskode HIAB10121E)Moderne Indien og sydasienstudier realia A (aktivitetskode HIAB10151E)Moderne Indien og sydasienstudier realia B (aktivitetskode HIAB10161E)Moderne Indien og sydasienstudier realia C (aktivitetskode HIAB10171E)

To be announced in Absalon


The course offers lectures and workshops, and requires active student participation.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 84
  • Preparation
  • 328,5
  • Total
  • 412,5
Feedback by final exam (In addition to the grade)
Type of assessment
Criteria for exam assesment