HHIK01835U HIS 83. A Global History of the First World War

Volume 2021/2022

Område B: akademisk skriftlighed med fokus på kildeanalyse (HHIK03831E)
[Fagstudieordning. Kandidatuddannelsen i historie, 2019-ordningen]

Område B: akademisk skriftlighed med fokus på kildeanalyse (HHIK03871E)
[Fagstudieordning. Kandidatdelen af sidefaget i historie, 2019-ordningen]

Historisk tilvalgsområde 1 (HHIB10211E) [kun for studerende med grundfag i Historie]
[Fagstudieordning. Bachelortilvalg i historie, 2019-ordningen]


Få overblik på
Historie, KA-2019, ét-faglig, lektionskatalog efterår 2021
Historie, KA-2019, to-faglig, lektionskatalog efterår 2021
Historie, KA-sidefag-2019, lektionskatalog efterår 2021
Historie, BA, lektionskatalog efterår 2021

HIS 83. A Global History of the First World War
When you consider the First World War you might imagine English, French, and Germans soldiers facing each other in muddy trenches on the Western Front. Yet, the First World War was also about sand, movement, and Australian diggers, Indian sepoys or African askari in Iraq, East Africa, and Papua-New Guinea. With all belligerent nations being imperial powers, millions of men and women on all continents were drawn into the war effort as soldiers or labourers, transported to different parts of the world. Thus the war created global encounters between individuals and groups of different ethnicities, languages, and religions on an unprecedented scale. Questions of national belonging, cultural practices, gender relations, and racial stereotypes not only occupied military and political authorities, but also ordinary citizens and soldiers across the globe.

The period before 1914 has been described as the ‘first globalisation’ with the European colonial empires connecting distant parts on the world in a complex network of political, economic, and cultural dependence. The First World War can be regarded as both the climax and endpoint of this development. This module aims to provide an insight into the political world order shaped through competition between the European imperial powers and the growing nationalism in their overseas territories.

You will be studying the reasons why and how different parts of the world were turned into theatres of war and assess the short- and long-term social and political consequences of the conflict from a global perspective. The ambivalent legacy of the war includes the vast expansion of the European empires through the new mandates in the Middle East, but also the growth of anti-imperialism and creation of the League of Nations as a trans- and international organisation.

Thus this module will provide you with insight into the roots of some current international conflicts, expose you to one of the most innovative fields of current historical research and allow you to engage with concepts of nationalism, imperialism and race from various perspectives.

- Jörn Leonhard: Pandora’s Box: A History of the First World War. London, 2018.
- William Mulligan: The Great War for Peace. London, 2014.
- Hew Strachan: Første Verdenskrig. København, 2014.

Specialised editions:
- Race, Empire and First World War Writing. Ed.: Santanu Das. Cambridge, 2011.
Empires at War: 1911-1923. Eds.: Robert Gerwarth & Erez Manela. Oxford, 2014.
- Empires in World War. Eds.: Andrew T. Jarboe & Richard S. Fogarty. London, 2014.

Online resources:


Kun studerende med grundfag i Historie kan anvende dette kursus som Bachelortilvalg.
Group instruction / Seminar /other
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Class Instruction
  • 56
  • Preparation
  • 203
  • Exam Preparation
  • 129,5
  • Total
  • 388,5
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Feedback by final exam (In addition to the grade)
Type of assessment
Other under invigilation
Exam registration requirements

Aktuelle studieordninger for Historie og  Studiehåndbogen [KA] og  Studiehåndbogen [BA].

Criteria for exam assesment