HASB0101FU Society A (Assyriology)

Volume 2024/2025

Fagstudieordning Bacheloruddannelserne i assyriologi, nærorientalsk arkæologi og ægyptologi (Mellemøstens sprog og samfund), 2019

Fagstudieordning Bachelortilvalg i assyriologi, nærorientalsk arkæologi og ægyptologi, 2019




This course will discuss aspects related to Mesopotamian social, economic, and political history, with a main focus on economic history.

Students also have to sign up for the course: "Introduction to Comparative Studies of Ancient Civilizations".

Learning Outcome

BA 2019-studieordning
Samfund A (aktivitetskode HASB00531E)

BA-tilvalg 2019-studieordning:
Samfund 1 (aktivitetskode HASB10101E)

Exchange students BA level:
Society A (activity code HASB10101E)

J.N. Postgate, Early Mesopotamia. Society and Economy at the Dawn of History (Routledge, 1994) samt supplerende litteratur

Holdundervisning delvis i dialogform, og aktiv inddragelse af de studerende, fx i form af oplæg eller generelle diskussioner.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 56
  • Preparation
  • 328,5
  • Practical exercises
  • 28
  • Total
  • 412,5
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Feedback by final exam (In addition to the grade)
Type of assessment
Criteria for exam assesment
Type of assessment
Exam registration requirements

Academic targets

At the examination, the student can demonstrate:


Knowledge of:

  • the main topics in the cultural history in Assyriology.
  • the source material on which the subject area’s understanding of society, culture, history, and religion is based.


Skills in

  • identifying and analysing selected themes related to societal, cultural, historical, and religious-historical questions within the subject area of Assyriology.
  • relating selected themes to the history of research.
  • presenting a selected topic independently and in writing.
  • communicating at a basic academic level, with a state-of-the-art focus on academic texts, source references, and bibliographies.


Competencies in

  • independently formulating a clearly defined issue of relevance to the subject area in writing.
  • communicating in writing at a basic level within the academic norms.
  • analysing important historical research questions and using the pertinent literature of the studied subject area (including text versions) to illustrate problems.



A syllabus is not specified.


Teaching and working methods

Class instruction, mainly in the form of lectures and discussions, including active student involvement through, e.g. oral presentations or participation in general discussions.


Exam provisions


Form of exam: Active class participation.

Active class participation consists of:

  • attendance of at least 75% of the classes.
  • three essays of 3 standard pages each.


Assessment: Internal exam with one examiner, Pass/Fail.

Regulations for group exams: The exam can only be taken individually.

Exam language(s): Danish or English.

Permitted exam aids: All.

Make-up exam/resit: Written exam on set subject. Duration: 6 hours. Permitted exam aids: Everything except internet access.