SVEK13010U Biomedicine

Volume 2023/2024

MSc Programme in Veterinary Medicine - differentieringskursus (valgfag)


The course includes modules addressing various topics in biomedical research and laboratory animal science including e.g. laboratory animal housing and handling, experimental design and biostatistical methods, in vivo pharmacology and toxicology, experimental surgery, drug development and animal models of human diseases, and their validity. In these modules, relevant theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and competences are provided, e.g. current animal models used in biomedical research, relevant laboratory methods, and societal aspects. Finally, in the first course week there is a common module with other veterinary and medical master students regarding one-health challenges related to handling of antibiotic resistance in clinical settings.

The laboratory animal science part of the course has been accredited by the Danish Ministry of Food, agriculture and fisheries and by the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Associations (FELASA) as adequate for researchers applying for a license to perform animal experiments.

Learning Outcome

The aim of the course is to provide the students with relevant veterinary competences and qualifications required in the broad field of biomedical research. This includes qualifications to manage a housing facility for experimental animals; to design, perform and evaluate laboratory animal experiments in biomedical research and to assess pharmacology and toxicology in vivo. Moreover, it provides the students with knowledge of immunology, genetics, experimental pathology and histopathology centred on animal models of human diseases and the role of these subjects when applied in drug- and vaccine development. The course provides the student with knowledge on a broad range of animal models used in translational medicine including construction, use and shortcomings of the models.


After the course, the students are expected to be able to apply relevant and correct terminology and to be able to:

  • Describe modern diagnostic methods and principles when using experimental animal models for research purposes
  • Describe and summarize rules and regulations, principles, methods and terminology relevant for the planning, execution and evaluation of experimental animal research projects.
  • Describe various animal models for human diseases as presented in the course
  • Describe principles of housing, breeding and use of laboratory animals including how to avoid spontaneous infections (such as zoonoses) in an animal facility
  • Describe basic procedures and practical methodologies in Laboratory Animal Science incl. experimental surgery
  • Describe In vivo pharmacological methods and evaluation of drug effect and principles of regulatory toxicology testing
  • Present methods to identify virulence factors of microorganisms
  • Describe the principles of vaccine development and effects of use of vaccines. 
  • Describe selected genetic technologies used in biomedical research
  • Describe pathological and histopathological findings and hallmarks and elaborate on the underlying pathological processes and disease aetiology (when relevant).



After the course, the students are expected to be able to:

  • Explain and assess strengths and weaknesses of commonly used laboratory methods in biomedicine
  • Evaluate the use of In vitro and In vivo methodology in research and drug development
  • Use statistical and inference methods and apply those when designing an in vivo experiment and analysing data material.
  • Present and explain sources of errors in statistical analysis such as bias and variation and how to control for them
  • Evaluate histological lesions and reactions in laboratory animals.
  • Use basic surgical methods in laboratory animal science
  • Analyse, evaluate and present results from simple diagnostic tests in experimental animals
  • Explain and apply the basic methodologies and principles demonstrated and practiced at the practical and theoretical exercises during the course work



After the course, the students are expected to be able to:

  • Work independently with problem solving, diagnosing and presenting relevant findings in laboratory animal science and animal models of diseases.
  • Use knowledge on virulence factors to reflect on their role in the development of methods to control infections, e.g. in the form of active and passive immunizations and new drugs
  • Be able to work independently with basic procedures 
  • Discuss ethical theories on use of animals in research and on animal welfare, including the 3 Rs
  • Discuss the ethical use of animals and In vitro methods in research and product development
  • Discuss strength and weaknesses of common animals models (including genetically modified animal models) presented in the course modules (e.g. pharmacology- and toxicology research, neuroscience, cancer research and immunology and in studies of infectious diseases, autoimmune- and metabolic diseases).
  • Discuss the methods of induction in presented animal models as well as reflecting on their validity.
  • Be able to design, execute, evaluate and manage experimental animal research projects
  • Use theoretical and practical methodology in laboratory experiments employing live animals
  • Critically evaluate experimental designs and stated outcomes
  • Use acquired knowledge to assess novel problems or problem areas and confidently apply knowledge-based suggestions for solutions
  • Be able to find new information/literature on topics within the area of biomedicine and critically evaluate results and information presented in the literature
  • Be able to take responsibility for own professional development and specialization.
  • Be able to confident and competent present, communicate and discuss scientific research results


Various materials including videos, exercise descriptions, hand-outs and recommended papers and selected textbooks.

An updated list of relevant material and suggested further readings will be posted on course homepage before course start and during the individual course modules.

Approved course certificate on following courses:
SVEK13043U Veterinary Imaging
SVEK13023U Akutmedicin, obstetrik, intensiv terapi og klinisk anæstesiologi
SVEK13007U Almen klinisk praksis familiedyr
SVEK13008U Almen klinisk praksis, store husdyr
SVEK13006U Praktisk besætningsrådgivning og kødkontrol
SVEK13044U Veterinary Paraclinics
Passed the following courses:
Medicin, kirurgi og reproduktion - mindre og store husdyr SVEK13005 og SVEK13004.

Only veterinary students holding (as a minimum) a laboratory animal science course EU function a/d (equivalent to the laboratory animal course on the veterinary bachelor at University of Copenhagen) can obtain admission to this MSc programme
The course consists of both theoretical and practical teaching.

Evaluation model: Survey-based model
After completing the full course, the participants will be certified to independently plan, implement and take responsibility for the design and performance of animal experimentation within the European Union according to the EU Directive 2010/63/EU Article 23.2 and the Danish executive order 2028 of 14/12/2020, §56
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 171
  • Preparation
  • 292
  • Theory exercises
  • 36
  • Practical exercises
  • 40
  • Project work
  • 110
  • Guidance
  • 10
  • Exam Preparation
  • 65
  • Exam
  • 4
  • Total
  • 728
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Peer feedback (Students give each other feedback)
26,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Written examination, 4 timer under invigilation
Type of assessment details
Written case-based examination at CPH-exam venue in practical and theoretical skills obtained during the course.
Passing the exam in Biomedicine provides FELASA authorization EU function abd.
Exam registration requirements

Modules requiring evaluation must be passed (godkendt kursusattest). 

The student must have 80 % attendance to practicals with live animals

The One-Health module group report must be approved.

The posters, which are prepared during the course, must be passed (godkendt kursusattest). 

To pass the Biomedicine course and aquire the EU function abd certification, the Biomedicine final examination must be passed. 

Without aids
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Internal censorship. More than one examiner.

Type of assessment: Oral examination.

Type of assessment details: 30 minutes examination.

Preparation: None.

Invigilation: None.

Aid: None.

Criteria for exam assesment

To achieve the maximum grade of 12, the student must demonstrate satisfactory acquisition of the measurable learning outcomes, primerly put into practice as stated below. 


  • must demonstrate ability to define, explain, analyze and discuss animal models presented during the course.
  • must be able to explain and discuss principles of housing, breeding and using live animals for experimentation as presented during the course.
  • should present a broad knowledge on various laboratory methods and be able to present, explain and discuss these methods including applicability, limitations, challenges and benefits.
  • must demonstrate the ability to present, explain and discuss in details relevant histopathological findings of relevant animal models including detailed histopathological findings in relation to a specific disease or insult.



  • must be able to discuss and explain principles of drug development and the application of experimental animals in In vivo pharmacology and regulatory toxicology.
  • must be able to analyze and critically evaluate experimental data obtained from in vivo studies.
  • must be able to summarize, discuss and judge (defend as well as criticize) all aspects of the work of peers in the form of a presented poster prepared during the course or as a constructed case presented at the exam.



  • must be able to - based on knowledge acquired during the entire course - deduce and independently suggest possible ways to proceed with future research.
  • must be able to independently incorporate and combine knowledge from all modules taught during the course, when approaching the exam questions.
  • must be able to reflect on advantages and disadvantages on specific animal models, experimental methods and experimental design.