HIAÆ0101FU Hindi propaedeutic 2

Volume 2020/2021
  • The curriculum for the Modern India and Southasian Studies the 2019 curriculum
  • Studieordning for Propædeutik for Indoeuropæisk eller Religionsvidenskab, 2020-ordningen



The course is to teach the communicative use of Hindi at an elementary level (A2). The students will learn how to describe and narrate contents of immediate relevance. There will also be an initial focus on texts.

As to the grammatical structure, the course is on basic morphology (especially verbal morphology) and syntax.

Learning Outcome

BA 2019-studieordning: 
Hindi propædeutik 2 (aktivitetskode HIAÆ00211E)

Propædeutik for Religionsvidenskab 2020-studieordning:
Hindi propædeutik for religionsvidenskab 2 (fagelementkode HIAÆ00141E)

Renner / Goswami. Batem. Kommunikative grammatiklektioner for hindistruderende. Lektion 24-46


Communicative language teaching (classroom teaching)
Man kan ikke tage propædeutik for sproget alene. Tager du propædeutik i forbindelse med tilvalg, så er du altså bundet til hele studiemønstret (45 ECTS), som propædeutikken er en forberedelse til.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Class Instruction
  • 140
  • Preparation
  • 478,75
  • Total
  • 618,75
Continuous feedback during the course of the semester
Feedback by final exam (In addition to the grade)