ASOK15219U Mundane Sociality

Volume 2017/2018

MA Theory and Methodology (MSc Curriculum 2015)

Course package:
Culture, lifestyle and everyday life

BA-Undergraduates from foreign countries (exchange students) can sign up for this course


Some sociologists will claim that different groups of citizens can be said to display a certain type of lifestyle which they have in common and which can be described on the basis of patterns of e.g. tastes, consumption activities and social background. Other sociologists will claim that different social ways of enacting ordinary practices can be said to be accomplishments of handling everyday life conditions. Both kinds of sociological claims make up each their analytical lens on the mundane part of civil society. Both the concept of lifestyle and the concept of everyday life go back to classic sociological theory such as Weber and Simmel. Lifestyle and everyday life are also used in contemporary sociological theories such as Bourdieu and De Certau, and as concepts they are related to a number of other (sometimes overlapping) sociological categories about the mundane such as neo-tribes and symbolic interaction. Current sociological research use the concepts of lifestyle and everyday life in empirical studies of e.g. family life, social inequality, and citizens’ relations to politicised issues such as environment and health. At the course, the participants will gain the ability to relate lifestyle and everyday life discussions to other parts of cultural sociology (e.g. symbolic universes and “dark” sides of socio-cultural life). The participants will achieve an overview of the different conceptual discussions about lifestyle and everyday life (e.g. classic and contemporary), and become able to connect concepts of lifestyle and everyday life with specific empirical areas of sociological research (e.g. family life and environmental issues). Alongside with this, participants make a theoretically and empirically informed analysis of as issue related to lifestyle or everyday life.

Learning Outcome


At the end of the course, the student will be able to account for and reflect upon important sociological elements related to lifestyle and everyday life, such as

-          main theoretical perspectives, e.g. practice theory

-          classic and contemporary concepts, e.g. status and mundane agency

-          current analytical discussions of the application of lifestyle and everyday life to different empirical sociological fields



The course will give the student abilities to apply the different sociological perspectives on lifestyle and everyday life as lenses on mundane aspects of civil society. The students will gain abilities to

-          compare different analytical perspectives on lifestyle and everyday life

-          relate these perspectives to their existing abilities from other parts of sociology

-          apply central concepts in lifestyle and everyday life analysis

-          carry out independent and reflected sociological analysis of issues of lifestyle and everyday life



At the end of the course, the student should be able to demonstrate that they have gained competences by

-          being able to relate their knowledge and abilities to concrete empirically informed analysis

-          being able to relate their lifestyle and everyday life analyses to discussions that are relevant for different societal contexts and actors.


A compendium with the course readings will be made available online a couple of weeks before the first seminar.

The course combines lecturing with group-exercises and course discussions, and a theoretically and empirically informed analysis in an independently formulated written project assignment. This written project assignment at the same time serves as a demonstration of the learning achievement from the course.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Course Preparation
  • 97
  • Exam Preparation
  • 11
  • Exercises
  • 70
  • Lectures
  • 28
  • Total
  • 206
Peer feedback (Students give each other feedback)

Peer-feedback will be a part of the course through the group exercises.

7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Written assignment
Sociology students must be enrolled under MSc Curriculum 2015 to take this exam.
Credit students must be at master level
Exam registration requirements

Individual/group. Free written take-home essays are assignments for which students define and formulate a problem within the parameters of the course and based on an individual exam syllabus. The free written take-home essay must be no longer than 10 pages. For group assignments, an extra 5 pages is added per additional student. Further details for this exam form can be found in the Curriculum and in the General Guide to Examinations at KUnet.

Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Exam period

Submission dates and time will be available at KUnet, Exchange students and danish full degree guest students please see the homepage of Sociology; and


At re-exam, the form of examination is the same as ordinary exam.
If the form of examination is ”active participation” the re-examination form is always “free written take-home essay”.

Criteria for exam assesment

Please see the learning outcome