HIVK03311U Cph., Knowledge Organization, Constituent elective A

Volume 2016/2017

Informationsvidenskab og kulturformidling, Studieordning 2016


This course provides an introduction to the conceptual foundation for organizing information and materials.  The course surveys the basic principles and concepts at play in the design and employment of knowledge organization systems, and as such it reviews fundamental knowledge organization principles and concepts; different approaches to organizing information; traditional, new and emerging knowledge organization systems; issues in the design of knowledge organization systems; and the ethical consequences of knowledge organization.  The course aims to provide students with a solid grasp of the theoretical foundation of knowledge organization, a sense of the diversity in approaches and systems, and an appreciation for the conceptual foundation of knowledge organization. The course prepares students to engage in the design and utilization of knowledge organization in many different kinds of environments, including businesses, web, special collections, libraries, research and NGOs.

Learning Outcome

Competence objectives for the module

The objective of the module is to provide the student with

knowledge and understanding of: 

  • Forskellige typer af vidensorganisationssystemer, herunder metadatasystemer.

  • Teorier og metoder i relation til design, konstruktion og evaluering af vidensorganisationssystemer.

  • Teorier og begreber for repræsentation og organisation af information, inkl. dokumenter, entiteter og andre materialer.

skills in: 

  • Reflektere over vidensorganisationsteorier og -begreber.

  • Vurdere egnede tilgange, modeller, metoder, og begreber til design/​studier/​evaluering af vidensorganisationssystemer, herunder i relation til deres kontekst.

  • Vurdere anvendelsen og indførelsen af vidensorganisation i forskellige typer af informationssystemer.

competences in: 

  • Designe og/eller konstruere et vidensorganisationssystem.

  • Gennemføre evaluering af en kontekst eller et domæne til design af et vidensorganisationssystem.


Academic objectives

The examinee is able to:

  • Redegøre for forskellige typer af tilgange, modeller, metoder, og begreber inden for vidensorganisation og vidensorganisationssystemer.

  • Vurdere egnede tilgange til design og konstruktion af et vidensorganisationssystem i en bestemt kontekst eller domæne.

  • Forberede/designe et vidensorganisationssystem.


Examples of literature that will be used in the course:

  • Bowker, Geoffrey C., & Susan Leigh Star. 2000. Sorting things out: Classification and its consequences. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

  • Day, Ronald E. 2014. Indexing it all: The subject in the age of documentation, information, and data. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

  • Lakoff, George. 1987. Women, fire and dangerous things:  What categories reveal about the mind. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 

  • Vaidhyanathan, Siva. 2011. The googlization of everything. Berkeley: University of California Press. 

Lectures, in-class exercises, discussions, student presentations.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Class Instruction
  • 45
  • Exam
  • 120
  • Preparation
  • 245,8
  • Total
  • 410,8
Type of assessment
Language: English or Danish
Extent: 15-20 standard pages for an individual exam
All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Exam period

Winter exam 2016


Set written take-home assignment, given 7 days to complete, February 2017