TAFAPLA75U Optional course: The Politics of Land in Africa

Volume 2015/2016

In this course, students will examine certain political, social, economic and historical dimensions of major forms of land use in sub-Saharan Africa. The topics will be approached through theoretical literature and case studies - especially relating to competing forms of authority over land, its people and its resources.

In the context of emerging land scarcity in Africa alongside increased competition over land entitlements, the question of accessing land is not just a major source of worry for local citizens, but a matter that is utilized for political mobilization at the national level and with direct implications for the multi-national extractive industries. Through the process of uncovering the dynamics of land acquisition at local, national and international levels (and their intersections), we will gain a better understanding of the material and symbolic dimension of access to land in sub-Saharan Africa in both rural and urban settings.

Learning Outcome

The aim is for the student to acquire the following qualifications:

  • Ability to select, in consultation with the instructor, a relevant sub-topic within the overall focus area of the thematic course. The sub-topic will often be empirical in nature and geared towards specific conditions in Africa, but it can also be more theoretical.
  • Ability to independently and critically select relevant literature on the sub-topic to be studied.
  • Ability to independently and critically analyse the sub-topic in question and to place it within the overall context of the optional course in question.
This interdisciplinary course mainly consists of lectures provided by the course convener and a limited number of guest lectures. Student participation is required in the form of short presentations that will link up to discussions regarding the overall theme of the course.
Please see the Study Curricula revised 2015 at www.teol.ku.dk/​​cas/​​studentinformation/​​study_curricula
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Class Instruction
  • 28
  • Total
  • 28
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Written assignment
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
External censorship
Exam period

June 2016.

Criteria for exam assesment

The grade of 12 is given at the exam when the student demonstrates:

  • Confident ability to identify and define a sub-topic and an issue of relevance to the overall theme of the optional course.
  • Confident ability to independently and critically select relevant literature on the sub-topic to be studied.
  • Confident ability to independently and critically analyse the sub-topic in question and the chosen literature.
  • Confident ability to conduct an interdisciplinary analysis of the sub-topic in question and to place it within the overall theme of the optional course in question.
  • Confident ability to communicate academic material in a clear, concise and well-argued manner.