SMIMIL014E Master's project

Volume 2015/2016

Master of Industrial Drug Development


The master’s project is typically based on empirical data derived from experimental work, interviews or otherwise collected material. The master’s project typically consists of an evaluation and discussion of the data in relation to relevant literature as well as a conclusion on the result of the project. The project topic can be an investigation of a particular activity, implementation of an activity in a company, or a study of a particular scientific problem. In any event, the selected subject should be put into the context of the entire drug development process to the extent possible.

Project work should preferably be conducted at the student's workplace. If that is not possible, the Study Board will help the student with contacts to a relevant place of study. The written report will be supervised by at least one teacher from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (Faculty supervisor) and preferably also by an employee from the company or institution hosting the master's project (external supervisor).

Before commencing the master's project, the student should sign a master's project agreement. The master's project agreement should be send by email to

The company at which the project is conducted may require a declaration of confidentiality by the student, supervisors and potentially also the external examiner. In this event, the master's project is confidential.

Master’s projects can be carried out in groups of no more than two students. Any group work must be approved by the supervisor as a part of the master's project agreement. If a Master’s project is written by a group of students, the oral examination must be individual and the student may only attend the examination of the other students in the group if his or her examination has been held.

Half-way through the project, the student is encouraged to make an oral presentation (approx. 30 min.) on project status, a so-called mid-term assessment, to the supervisors and other relevant persons.

The master's project must be written in English. The final oral examination is usually conducted in English, but may be conducted in Danish, if the examinee, examiner and external examiner agree.

All master’s projects must have an abstract in English (compulsary) and may include an abstract in Danish (optional). The abstract must be maximum one A4 page. The abstract must summarize the research question, the methods used, important findings, a discussion if relevant, and a conclusion. The abstract will be included in the overall assessment of the master's project.

The cover page of the master’s project must include the title in English, and subtitle if relevant, the student’s name, study programme, the year, the name or names of supervisor/s, department but not the student’s civil registration (CPR) number. The master’s project is handed in to the Faculty supervisor in four copies.

Learning Outcome

When finishing the master project and the subsequent the student is able to:

  • plan and carry out a practice-oriented research project that can help strengthen part of an industrial drug development process

  • formulate a scientific research question/hypothesis

  • write a statement of purpose

  • use relevant scientific theory, methods and empirical data when conducting a research project and to justify the choices made

  • describe the research work conducted as well as the results achieved and conclusions in a way that is clear and understandable

  • make a critical analysis with a balanced discussion of theory and method in relation to the empirical data selected

  • make an oral presentation and discussion of the completed project.

It is recommended for students to have passed compulsory courses equivalent to at least 20 ECTS credits before commencing the master's project. The Faculty supervisor may require documentation (a transcript of the university's Examination Register) showing that the student has passed, or is enrolled in, certain compulsory and elective courses (up to a maximum of 7.5 ECTS credits) before commencing the master's project.
Individually supervised project work.
The student can choose the credit size of the master project. The credits of the master's project must be between 12 ECTS and 20 ECTS.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Exam
  • 1
  • Guidance
  • 15
  • Project work
  • 330
  • Total
  • 346
Type of assessment
Written assignment, Approximately 6 months
Oral defence, Approximately 1 1/2 hour
Written report (25-40 pages). The oral defence (approximately 1 1/2 hours) consists of an oral presentation of approximately 20-30 minutes and subsequent discussion.
Exam registration requirements

The master’s project should complete the programme.

All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
External censorship
Criteria for exam assesment

Grade 12 is given for an excellent project showing high-level command of all aspects of the project topic, with no or only a few minor weaknesses.

Grade 7 is given for a good project displaying good command of the project topic, with some weaknesses.

Grade 02 is given for a project meeting only the minimum requirements for acceptance