SFOA09091U Psycho-Physiological Responses, Disease and Social Stressors

Volume 2015/2016

Bacheloruddannelsen i folkesundhedsvidenskab
Kandidatuddannelsen i folkesundhedsvidenskab


This course illuminates the broad set of applicable methods for measuring the physiological manifestations of stress. Another issue is the biological variation of the physiological measures. Understanding the variability in various physiological measures gives insight into applicable methods for understanding some of the most basic physiological processes linking social situations with the risk of chronic disease risk and health status in general.

This interdisciplinary course integrates topics in occupational psychology, psychophysiology, and public health.  This course will give students an introduction to the history and evolution of the stress concept and other psycho-physiological concepts and processes. It will also address how challenging social situations at work and in the private life can lead to the development of chronic diseases. The students will be introduced to the epidemiological evidence which links psychosocial assessments at work with chronic disease. The course comprises the latest knowledge on the progress of psycho-physiological responses to social stressors.


Learning Outcome

After the course the participant will:


Be able to

1) explain the state-of-the art of physiological measures in relation to occupational and social stressors

2) reflect over strengths and limitations in the use of physiological responses in the assessment of the effects of occupational and social stress and the mechanisms linking psycho-physiological responses to disease.

3) explain and reflect on two physiological systems, chronic disease and behavioral consequences of stress



Be able to

1) critically discuss literature that study mechanisms for disease by use of psychophysiological responses.

2) to identify various models for how psychosocial and social stressors may lead to disease 

2) to reflect over pros and cons in different study designs.



Be able to

1) understand the basic biological mechanisms for disease.

2) search and identify state of the art literature on psycho-physiological mechanisms - linking occupational and social stressors to disease.




Basic epidemiology
The course will include (a) structured lectures to introduce and review the concepts and methods and (b) workshops where students will discuss relevant scientific papers or specific tasks.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Class Instruction
  • 30
  • Exam
  • 15
  • Preparation
  • 230
  • Total
  • 275
Type of assessment
Written assignment, 48 timer
48-timers hjemmeopgave, som besvares efter kursets afslutning
All aids allowed
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
External censorship
Exam period

See the exam plan


See the exam plan

Criteria for exam assesment

In order to achieve the grade 12, the student must:

  • Complete all questions correctly in the 48 hours assignment in the end of the course.
  • Describe different psycho-physiological reactions and how / under what conditions they may be used.
  • Discuss how physiological responses may be related to disease.
  • Evaluate studies using physiological responses as a stress response.