NIDK10002U Sport Psychological Interventions

Volume 2015/2016

Kandidatuddannelse i humanistisk-samfundsvidenskabelig idrætsvidenskab


Theories for and models of sport psychological interventions, diagnostic instruments, observation techniques, psychological skills training, coaching, group dynamical interventions and evaluation methods.

Learning Outcome


  • Acquire a wide breadth of knowledge of key issues and current research in the area of sport psychological interventions in different sport settings


  • Develop an understanding of the theoretical underpinning of sport psychological interventions
  • Learn to integrate the theory of sport and psychology with research and practical application


  • Design an intervention study based on the acquired knowledge
  • Present a case study and intervention design in written form

Teaching material will appear on the course website.

Lecturing, group work and discussions.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Exam
  • 75
  • Lectures
  • 28
  • Practical exercises
  • 25
  • Preparation
  • 78
  • Total
  • 206
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Written assignment, written during the course
The student will submit two obligatory written assignments (5 pages maximum) and a written case study (maximum 15 pages - during the course). The case study design will include a specific description of the case, a theoretically based selection of an intervention, a description of the intervention strategy as well as the method of evaluation of the intervention’s effectiveness.
The case study will count for 70% of the grade and the other two written assignments for 15% each. All three assignments must be passed.
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
External censorship

same as ordinary - completed (and passed) assignments may be re-used. Written asignments and case studies, if failed or not delivered, must be handed in no later than two weeks prior to the end of registration for reexamination.

Criteria for exam assesment

Description of criteria for the grade 12:


  • Demonstrate broad knowledge and excellent understanding of the key theories and models in sport psychological interventions (beyond the texts discussed in the course).
  • Demonstrate excellent ability to integrate and apply knowledge about sport psychological interventions to a specific case.
  • Formulate and present innovative theoretically founded ideas and arguments using scientific evidence.
  • Present an excellent case description and intervention design written in the appropriate sport psychology format.