HANK03181U MACA Specialisation - Facilitating Innovation

Volume 2015/2016

Master of Applied Cultural Analysis


Through this course, students will explore and develop strategies for positioning themselves as cultural analysts facilitating innovation and organizational improvements in NGOs, companies and public institutions. Along with a mandatory internship (MACA Internship HANK03061U/Etnologisk praktik HEEK03252U) the students will design and execute three interventions with the purpose of 1) establishing a position as a cultural analyst in the host organization 2) accounting for and presenting progression of ongoing cultural analysis 3) presenting results, handing over deliverables and facilitating implementation thereof.  

Classes consist of a combination of lectures, seminars, student presentations and group exercises.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Class Instruction
  • 0
  • Total
  • 0
Type of assessment
Oral examination under invigilation
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
External censorship
Criteria for exam assesment