ASTK15664U AFLYST - SOMMER16: Nye former for politisk deltagelse

Årgang 2015/2016
Engelsk titel

CANCELLED - SUMMER16: New forms of Political participation


The course will provide a comprehensive and up to date presentation and discussion of (1) the conventional approach to representative, participatory and deliberative democracy with focus on civic culture and state and civil society centred approaches; (2) new forms of participation in late modernity, such as protest politics, issue politics, and identity focused micro politics and everyday-making; (3) the radical critique of democracy as neglecting the political significance and importance of hegemony and collective identity; (4) neoliberalism as a new form of systems colonization, grounding democracy in an 'holistic individualism' for fostering individual self-appreciation and nudging strong individuals to make a difference and in that way help to expand competition and growth in the system; (5) the contours of a new democratic frame for moving beyond the old oppositions between conflict and consensus, individualism and collectivism and emancipation and hegemony. This frame points to acceptance and recognition of difference as the democratic basis for pursuing projects in common. It identifies, a new kind of connective action for binding actors together in ways that allow for both personalization and commonalization. The course ends by introducing the new tension between nudging neoliberalism and Foucault’d circle of parresia and democracy. Following the course will provide students with learning of relevant literature, competences to orient themselves in what otherwise appears as a very messy participatory universe, and abilities to make choices that can contribute to democratic renewal at the level of both the political regime and the political community. 


The course will enhance the students’ ability to understand the tensions between concerns for politicization and problematization, conflict solving and risk handling, or the interest-power duality and the knowledge-power duality, at all levels of political reality from the local to the global. The course is a good starting point for engaging in theoretical as well as practical discussions of how party politics, public policy and securitization concerns relate to democracy and democratization. It is as relevant to students who aim for a career in party politics as in voluntary associations, private companies, international organizations, diplomacy, or new or old media. The course is very useful for students who aim to work with political communication in any type of organisation. The course can be combined with studies of texts and theories on governance and network management in public administration, as well as democracy in the field of comparative politics.


‘The seminars’ objective is to enable the students to:

  • Describe the key differences between modern, late modern and new connective approaches to democratic political participation.
  • Present the major critical works and trends in participatory research since the 1960s.
  • Identify and compare different theories and approaches of the major works.
  • Articulate and identify a research problem for critically analysing the advantages and disadvantages of the various theories and approaches presented in the course.
  • Assess the relevance of the different, theories and approaches for coping with concrete political problems and challenges at all levels from the local to the global.
  • Relate developments in participatory research to developments in political theory and science in general,
  • Reflect on the meta-theoretical standards for the choice and assessment of theories.

Bang, Henrik Paul (2009) ‘‘Yes we can’: identity politics and project politics for a late modern world’. Urban Research & Practice, vol. 2, no. 2: 117-138.


Bang, Henrik Paul (2011) ‘The politics of threats: late-modern politics in the shadow of neoliberalism.’ Critical Policy Studies, 5:4: 434-449.


Bang, Henrik Paul (2014) ' Family Squabbles: Beyond the Conflict-Consensus Divide'. Democratic Theory Volume 1, Issue 2: 56–66


Bang, Henrik Paul (2015a) Foucault's Political Challenge. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.


Bang, Henrik Paul (2015b) 'Between democracy and governance'  British Politics , (8 June 2015)| doi:10.1057/bp.2015.28. p. 1-22.

Bang, Henrik Paul og Eva Sørensen (1999) 'The Everyday Maker: A New Challenge to Democratic Governance'. Administrative Theory & Praxis, Vol. 21, No. 3: 325-341


Bennett, Lance (2008) 'Changing Citizenship in the Digital Age', in Bennett, Lance (red.) Civic Life Online.

Camabridge, Massachussets Institute of Technology: 1-25


Bennett, W.L. and A. Segerberg (2013) The Logic of Connective Action. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).


Dalton, Russell J (2008) ‘Citizenship Norms and the Expansion of Political Participation’. Political Studies, VOL 56, 76–98.


Della Porta, Donnatella (2013) Can Democracy Be Saved? Cambridge: Polity


Feher, Michel (2009) ‘Self-Appreciation; or, The Aspirations of Human Capital’.Public Culture,Volume 21,Number 1:21-41.


Flinders, Matthew and Matt Wood (2015) 'When Politics Fails: Hyper-Democracy

and Hyper-Depoliticization'. New Political Science, Vol. 37, No. 3, 363–381


Giddens, Anthony  (1991) Modernity and Self-Identity. Cambridge: Polity Press.


Beck, Ulrich (2000) ‘Living Your Own Life in a Runaway World: Individualisation, Globalisation and Politics’ in Giddens, Andthony and Will Hutton (2000) On the Edge, Random House e-books:


Habermas, Jürgen (1974) 'The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article'. New German Critique, No. 3: 49-55


Hay, Colin (2007): Why We Hate Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge Polity Press.


Leggett, Will (2014) 'The politics of behaviour change:

nudge, neoliberalism and the state'. Policy & Politics, vol 42, no 1: 3–19


Leonard, Thomas C. (2008) 'Richard H. Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein, Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness'. Constitutional political economy. Volume 19. No 4: 356 – 360.


Marteau, Therese et al. (2011) 'Judging nudging: can nudging improve population health?' BMI, volume 342: 263-265


McKee , Alan (2005) The Public Sphere. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Mouffe, Chantal (2013) Agonistics. London: Verso.


Norris, Pippa, Stefaan Walgrave, and Peter Van Aelst (2005) 'Who Demonstrates? Antistate Rebels, Conventional Participants, or Everyone?' Comparative Politics, Vol. 37, No. 2: 189-205.


Putnam, Robert D. (1993): Making Democracy Work. Princeton N.J.: Princeton University Press.


Putnam, Robert D. & Kristin A. Gross (2002) ‘Introduction’ in Putnam, Robert D.  Democracies in Flux. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 3-21.


Rancière, Jacques.  Dissensus. (London: Bloomsbury 2010).


Stolle, Dietlind, Marc Hooghe & Michele Micheletti (2005)  ‘Politics in the Supermarket: Political Consumerism as a Form of Political Participation’. International Political Science Review, Vol 26, No. 3: 245–269.


Stolle, Dietlind & March H. Howard (2008) ‘Civic Engagement and Civic Attitudes in Cross-National Perspective: Introduction to the Symposium’ POLITICAL STUDIES, VOL 56: 1–11


Sunstein, Cass R. and Thaler, Richard H. 2003. 'Libertarian paternalism'. American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 93(2): 175–79.


Thaler, Richard H. og Cass R. Sunstein (2008) Nudge:Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness. New Haven: Yale University Press.

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