APSK15110U Arbejds- og organisationspsykologi - Seminarhold

Årgang 2015/2016
Engelsk titel

Work and Organizational Psychology - Seminar class



Hvis du er på 2010-studieordningen så skal seminarholdet tages i sammenhæng med forelæsningsrækken Arbejds- og organisationspsykologi - Videregående anvendt teori og metode medmindre det tages som valgfag.


Følgende seminarholdudbydes  i efteråret 2015 og foråret 2016:


The below class is partially in English

Seminarhold 1: Paul M. Conway and Andreas Elrond - The relationship between the psychosocial work environment, stress and organizational behaviours: issues in assessment and management

What does the word “stress” mean for people in work organizations? Which are the factors of the psychosocial work environment that may lead to stress and induce negative organizational behaviours such as absenteeism? How to measure them? What can be effective ways of managing work-related stress and the associated adverse impact on employees and organizations? How to reduce sickness absence and ensure adequate levels of performance among employees suffering from stress-related problems? 

These are common questions that occupational psychologists must face when dealing with issues linked to the quality of the psychosocial work environment, work-related stress and poor organizational behaviours. The aim of this seminar is to introduce students to theories, methods and procedures that can be used to support adequate assessment and management processes helping organizations to find effective solutions to these problems. Key topics addressed in the course will be:

  • the ambiguous term “stress” and how different understandings of it (e.g., between managers and employees) can create difficulties in managing the phenomenon;
  • the “content” and “process” elements of the psychosocial assessment and management cycle;
  • theoretical approaches and measurement methods in the field of the psychosocial work environment, work-related stress and organizational behaviours;
  • organizational drivers and barriers in the management of the psychosocial work environment;
  • the job (re-)integration of employees with reduced work ability due to stress.
  • Throughout the course, real case scenarios will be used to illustrate the possible challenges of applying these theories, methods and procedures under the typical restrictions of actual organizational settings.


Workload: students are expected to actively participate in the different learning activities proposed during the course. The real case scenarios provided will be worked through in small groups both in and outside the class. Preparation on the assigned literature is required prior to each class. Students must keep an updated portfolio recording all the activities they have participated in during the course and a reflection on what they have learned from them. At the end of the course, each student must prepare and present a final short paper (2-3 pages max.) where theories, methods and procedures learned during the course will be applied to the analysis of a real case scenario. 


The below class and corrsponding exam is in English

Seminarhold 2: Ingo Zetler - Staffing Decisions, Work Teams, and Politics in Organizations

This seminar comprises and combines several topics highly relevant to work and organizational psychologists. First, it deals with staffing decisions, i.e. aspects related to the recruitment, selection, and promotion of employees. At the heart of this part is a simulation of several tests, questionnaires, and work-tasks often used in the process of staffing decisions; herein, students take on the roles of both participants (applicants) and observers (decision-makers). Second, and based on this, the composition, challenges, and benefits of work groups and work teams are discussed. Third, we delve into the issue of power and politics in organizations (e.g. impression management, negotiations, politicking at work). Finally, we discuss how to bridge the research-practice gap.

With regard to all topics, the seminar provides (a) state-of-the-art scientific knowledge, (b) illustrative real life examples, and (c) room for discussions.

  • Introduction to the seminar;
  • Job and work analysis
  • Personality variables and organizational outcomes
  • Assessment Center simulation I
  • Assessment Center simulation II
  • Work groups and work teams
  • Power and politics in organizations
  • Integrating research and practice


Students can either pass or fail the seminar. Requirements for passing the seminar are (a) attendance at minimum 75% of the classes, (b) active participation in class, (c) good command of both the mandatory (600 pages) and the self-chosen (200 pages) literature; (b) and (c) will be evaluated based on classroom performance and an individual portfolio including brief (1-2 pages), written reflections – both personal and scientific – on the topics of this seminar.


Overordnet mål for læringsudbytte

Ved afslutning af modulet skal den studerende kunne beskrive, diskutere og anvende centrale begreber og metoder analytisk med henblik på at kunne forstå og anvende principperne bag udvikling, implementering og evaluering af psykologiske processer og interventioner indenfor det arbejds- og organisationspsykologiske område.

Mål for læringsudbytte ved Seminarhold

Den studerende kan ved afslutning af Seminarholdet:

  • Udvikle en arbejds- og/eller organisationspsykologisk begrundet problemstilling, der involverer relevante udrednings- og/eller interventionsmetoder, i forhold til en given/et givet arbejdsog/ eller organisationspsykologisk case/oplag.
  • Udvælge arbejds- og/eller organisationspsykologisk psykologisk teori, empiri og udrednings og/eller interventionsmetoder af relevans for problemstillingen, og forholde sig nuanceret ogkritisk hertil.
  • Udarbejde en sammenæangende analyse af den arbejds- og/eller organisationspsykologiske problemstilling og de mulige udrednings- og/eller interventionsmetoder i forhold til denne.
  • Diskutere implikationerne og relevansen af de anvendte teorier og mulige udrednings- og/eller interventionsmetoder, bl.a. med fokus pa Individuelle, organisatoriske og evt. øvrige kontekstbetingede forhold, der kan pavirke analysen af problemstillingen.
  • Reflektere over psykologfaglige og etiske spørgsmal, der knytter sig til problemstillingen og de mulige interventioner.

600 siders obligatorisk samt 200 siders selvvalgt litteratur


  • Kategori
  • Timer
  • Forelæsninger
  • 12
  • Seminarhold
  • 30
  • I alt
  • 42
7,5 ECTS
Kursusdeltagelse med opsyn.
afhænger af det enkelte seminarhold. Se kriterier for bedømmelse.
Krav til indstilling til eksamen

Fremmøde til mindst 75 % af undervisningsgangene samt aktiv deltagelse i de ved kursusudbuddet fastlagte aktiviteter, opgaver, præsentationer m.v.

bestået/ikke bestået
Ingen ekstern censur


se eksamensplan.



Kriterier for bedømmelse