SLVKB0371U Social Pharmacy

Volume 2014/2015
MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences - compulsory, MSc in Medicinal Chemistry - elective
The course is concerned with the role of medicines in society and spans a variety of themes from the experiences and perceptions of the medicine user to national and international drug policy. The core teaching method is the “reading group”, the basis of which is recent, relevant articles culled from the scientific literature and provided by the course director. The literature is supplemented by the presentations prepared by individual students to the reading group. On this course the term ‘reading group’ includes interactive class lessons in which students are the driving factor in the teaching through their mutual presentations and subsequent discussions. In addition groups prepare a scientific literature review article focusing on one of the following topics:
  • pharmaceutical policies,
  • drug R&D, production and marketing,
  • drug distribution prescribing and information,
  • the medicine users' perspective.
Learning Outcome
Formål / Objective

The main objective is to learn the basic concepts and issues of social pharmacy:

To become familiar with social science and humanistic theories and approaches to research in the pharmaceutical area, including the research process

To acquire knowledge of the role of medicines in society

To acquire knowledge of the experiences and perceptions of the medicine user.

To learn to read, understand, be critical of and discuss the primary scientific literature
To practice effective oral and written presentations of acquired knowledge and ideas.

Målbeskrivelse / Course outcome

By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to:

  • Describe and discuss the major concepts and issues of social pharmacy
  • Describe and evaluate social science and humanistic approaches/theories to research on medicines
  • Analyze, be reflexive and put into perspective the role of medicines in society
  • Describe and discuss the concept of the user perspective and analyze the experiences and perceptions of the medicine user
  • Describe the topics mentioned under ’Content’.
  • Analyze, put into perspective and criticize the primary scientific literature
  • Perform effective written and oral presentations of acquired knowledge and ideas
Recent, relevant articles on the course internet page.
Course teaching is based on the assumption that students have a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent in one of the natural sciences, health sciences or technical sciences.
16 x 2-hour-sessions, each including 15-minute student presentations and subsequent discussion with subject teachers
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Colloquia
  • 32
  • Preparation
  • 64
  • Project work
  • 110
  • Total
  • 206
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Oral examination
Written assignment
Prøveform / Examination type:
Individual PowerPoint presentation

Prøvedesign / Examination design
Examination: Students individually prepare and present a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation on a topic that is part of the curriculum. The presentation is part of the class lesson. The student then has the opportunity to rework the presentation and incorporate the subsequent criticism, including questions, discussions and critique into their final PowerPoint presentation. No grade is given for the oral presentation, but only for the final PowerPoint presentation which is turned in at the end of the course in electronic format. This assignment represents 100% of the final grade.

Prerequisite to examination: In groups, students write a scientific article (literature review) based on a topic relevant for the course. The topic must be initially approved by the course director/teacher. This assignment should be passed.

Særlige forhold/ Special conditions:
The examination includes required reading in social pharmacy. The prerequisite to examination includes writing a scientific article byt the group of a maximum five students.
Written aids allowed
All written
Marking scale
7-point grading scale
Censorship form
No external censorship
Criteria for exam assesment

Beskrivelse af prøven og bedømmelse / Description of examination and assessment criteria

Beståkrav / Pass criteria

Overall impression of the students’ performance and participation forms part of the assessment and may cause the grade to be adjusted by one grade up, one grade down or grade unchanged according to the allocation of points. The basis for adjusting the overall impression is:
  • Active participation: the student should have participated actively in the course by being present at the classes (max 20% absence from the classes).
  • Responses that demonstrate understanding, reflexive and communication skills in connection with the written and oral presentations
  • It is a further requirement that the student passes both a prerequisite assignement and examination.

Karakterbeskrivelse / Description of grades

12 - Excellent performance
The student is able to:
  • A: demonstrate a critical and analytical view of the basic concepts and issues of social pharmacy and argue with reference to theories and scientific literature, as well as the ability to communicate these arguments using scientific concepts.
  • B: demonstrate the abilitiy to, orally and in writing, describe, analyze and criticise the phases of the research process in the individual assignment. 
  • C: draw individual reflexive conclusions based on the above, thus demonstrating an overview and understanding of internal relations within the social pharmacy sphere.

7 - Good performance
The student is able to:
  • Fully meet one of the above points A or B.
- OR
  • Demonstrate a critical, theoretical and reflexive approach to the assignments using individual elements of A, B and C, although without the depth and insight necessary to fully honor the task.

02 - Acceptable performance
The student is able to:
  • Demonstrate a critical or theoretical approach to the assignments using individual elements of A and B, although without the depth and insight necessary to honour the task.