NNMK13003U Forensic Geobiology

Volume 2013/2014
MSc Programme in Biology

The course will provide students with an introduction to the application of DNA and species identification in a forensic context, through an intensive two-week summer school. We will focus on specific interdisciplinary forensic topics including wildlife genetics, human genomics, environmental biology, geology, entomology and botany. The teaching will be a series of lectures, exercises and group presentations, which will be evaluated during the course.

When the course is completed, students will have gained insight and skills regarding the application of the following research areas in a forensic context:

  • Cell biology – mitosis, meisosis, chromomes X, Y, autosomal, mtDNA
  • Genetics – coding and noncoding DNA, loci types (STR, indels, SNPs)
  • Molecular biology – DNA isolation, PCR, sequencing, fragment length analysis
  • Population dynamics and heredity (e.g. kindship analysis)
  • Species identification
  • Biostatistics
  • Botany
  • Entomology
  • Geology – geochemical analysis
Learning Outcome


  • Discuss and critically review scientific articles
  • Critically assess and analyse forensic data and present the results before an audience

Skills and knowledge

  • Outline the current knowledge presenting the baseline for all forensic biology and geology
  • Describe the bio-statistical methodology used in forensic genetics
  • Describe the methodological advances within the different aspects of forensic biology and geology
  • Describe the different types of human genomic variations and what makes them useful in a forensic context
  • Describe the different disciplines encompassed by forensic GeoBiology
  • Carry out forensic case-work evaluations 
Papers, handbooks, manuals and protocols will be available.
BSc degree from the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen or similar.
The summer school will be mainly based on a series of lectures followed by individual and group exercises. We plan to include casework where students are presented with forensic casework.
  • Category
  • Hours
  • Lectures
  • 50
  • Practical exercises
  • 26
  • Preparation
  • 100
  • Project work
  • 30
  • Total
  • 206
7,5 ECTS
Type of assessment
Continuous assessment, 2 weeks
Portfolio, 2 weeks
Evaluation of written reports and oral presentations. 50%.
Overall assessment of active participation. 50%.
All aids allowed
Marking scale
passed/not passed
Censorship form
No external censorship
Several internal examiners.
Criteria for exam assesment
In accordance with the learning outcomes.